Meeting a Craccoon

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"So,you are a craccoon but they are only found in...Crakon" you whispered.

"Hey... squeek, klo, every body come here, hurry, we've got a visitor or guest, a craccoon" you called everyone.

You were waiting till all of your friends garher.

"Katara stay away from the craccoon,they should not be trusted" the eyes of klo darted towards yours as you too stared it back but with puckered forehead.

"Klo! You should not be rude, he is our guest and it can stay with us as long as it wants, okay!" You said as if you are not saying instead ordering.

"Okay craccoon,by the way what was your name again" you asked with mellow sweetness in your

"It's..." craccoon was about to say unless "but katara" klo the koala spoke out as if it couldn't keep quiet.

You tilt your gaze and head ,scoffing,
Towards klo who was speaking constantly.

"No,Excuses... klo would you please shut up for a while let the craccoon tell its name" you requested, refoccuses your gaze back to the craccoon.

"It's Kaly" craccoon which was lost muttered.

"Okay kaly so what's the plan?" You asked, putting her in your lap.

"Uhh...I...I don't know maybe to get back to my home, to my parents, to my mom, I miss her so much" kaly muttered and pours.

"Parents...Mom..." you let out a deep sad sigh.

"Katara, you fine!" Squeek asked, you looked at it, nodded " Yeah..why wouldnt I?"side grinning at it.

"Okay, now what are we going to do" klo whispered in your ear.

"What did that mean" you said, way a bit harsh.

"It meant that what are we going to do of the craccoon" as squeek stated kaly glanced at it,"Oh!sorry, its Kaly right?" squeek and klo both chucked lightly.

"Yeah..It's kaly you fool" kaly let out a sarcastic smile.

You who were sitting quite and calmly noticed kaly and squeek fighting.

"Oh stop it girls what are you doing" you said in annoyance.

You lectures both of them and they both apologize to each other as you told them to.

"Where is she going to stay?Kat" klo asked, its gaze tilted up on you.

"With me" you smiled looking at kaly who was also looking back at you but in astonishment.

"But kat, I don't think aunt sana will like it" klo stated.

"Aish....I am sure she will not like it,how did I forget about it,that she is allergic to such animals?" You mentally face palmed your face.

Everyone was busy wondering what to do now,where is kaly gonna stay now. She can't stay with you as there are many reasons,it was getting dark and you had to go back your home but can't leave kaly alone as you wanted to help it to get back to her parents that you never had.

Suddenly you got an gazed at kaly and shot sideways glance to squeek and klo.

" this is not going to happen" squeek spoke quickly as it assessed your intentions,klo was still clueless.

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