New York

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Name: Gabe York Jones

Age: 17

Hair type: just a tuff of cuteness

Hair color: platinum blonde

Eye color: dark gray

Height: 5'4

Weight: 150 lbs (mushy face but muscular body)

Personality: cold and distant at first, once you get to know him he's actually quite vulnerable, hates when people fight and will break up all conflicts (he hates seeing Blair upset), stubborn to the point of death, street-savvy, actually has a large heart under his cold gaze, giving and understanding, will do anything for people he loves.

Hobbies: football (him and Noah love to play), shooting, archery, mixed martial arts, fishing, soccer, hockey, juggling (he knows how much Liam and Frederick love it), singing (though only Alfred, Brody, and Aria know), acting.

*has a tattoo on his lower, right forearm of the twin towers. It is incredibly detailed and has the caption "I'll Remember You" at the bottom of it.

*has multiple scars: two scars across his chest, a few on his upper arms, and one on his left eyebrow.

*Him and Brody are best friends recently turned lovers. Nobody knows yet, except for Aria (the first chapter of the third book will tell you how) 

*Gabe knows Aria just cares for him, which is why she has zero filter around him. He knows she actually trust him, so he is more protective over her than anybody. He also knows behind that leader gaze, Aria is actually a huge softie. During Sandy, Gabe cried because Aria was screeching in pain. He was scared for her just like he was scared for Brody when Waco happened.

*Gabe didn't know he was gay until Aria told him he was, who was backed up by Noah. The tristate trio was always close. Aria and Noah kept it secret though, knowing Gabe was insecure about his homosexuality.

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