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Name: Noah Pennsylvania Jones

Age: 17

Hair type: soft, thin, reached the lower neck when in a low ponytail

Hair color: bleached blonde

Eye color: minty green with navy swirls

Height: 5'8

Weight: 200 lbs (Pure muscle)

Personality: is strong-headed and oftentimes controls the tristate trio's fights, down-home and loyal, animal lover, good with people, sweet as pie until you insult the Eagles (football), has a straight sense of justice, protective of everybody (ESPECIALLY his 'ma' Alfred), is the type of person who solves conflicts because of a distinct hate for them.

Hobbies: farm work (he especially loves picking fruit), horseback riding, cooking, reading, studying new laws and international governments, working out, rock climbing, hiking, brewing home-crafted beers

*has a large burn scar on his right forearm. It originally went from his right shoulder down, but the upper parts faded with times.

*he hates how the court system has changed and studies law on the side of family duties. He wants to become a judge in his state to show other judges how to truly rule a court without bias (some districts in PA you don't need a law degree to be a judge, just to get voted in. it's been a recurring problem with my jackass dad since he is a PA resident and the judge is clearly biased and is in favor of him)

*he also, like Alfred, has a way with animals. Just like a true Disney princess.

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