"I didn't know where else to go..."

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You're unable to sleep one night and hear something outside the door. You're fully aware that Jarvis would alert someone if there was an intruder and even if someone did get in you were confident in your abilities, so you opened the door. You caught Carmen sneaking down the hallway, fully dressed and apparently planning on sneaking out. You ask her where she's going, but all she answers with is 'out'.

The next morning, Carmen isn't there. You're a little concerned, but assume she's with her mother or something and decide not to worry.

That night, however, Jarvis wakes you up.

Carmen has just entered the tower. She is severely wounded and requires medical attention as soon as possible. She has asked for you and does not want you to tell anyone else. She says she didn't know where else to go.

By the time you reach her, she's collapsed.

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