Gone, But Not Excused From The Chore Chart

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You, Carmen and the Avengers were attacking a Hydra base when they began using newly developed weapons against you, the effects of which you were in the dark about.

You were able to destroy the base, but as you were fleeing Carmen leapt between you and a blast. When it hit her, she disappeared without a trace, causing the Avengers to panic. It didn't take long for them to be forced to declare Carmen as dead.

A few days after the incident, strange things begin happening; if you're looking for something you've misplaced, it suddenly appears in front of you. If you're hungry or thirsty, food and water will appear. If there's a chore you don't particularly want to do, it somehow gets done on its own.

At first you and the other Avengers - who were also experiencing the same thing - were wary of this, but over time you've all come to accept it.

One day, it's finally revealed what the machine that killed Carmen was, which shocks you all; it was a device that could harness the Power Stone, designed to block powers rather than injure or kill.

So what happened to Carmen? And what was going on with everything around here?

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