Savior Tragedy

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We sat on the floor across from each other and held our hands together as we desperately hoped and prayed for the aliens to leave. We only did this for a few minutes when we heard a silence to the noises from outside the safe room, the blood-curdling screams stopped, the pleading for help and of course the disintegrating lasers that killed everybody came to an immediate stop.

After everything stopped we sat on the floor for about five minutes waiting to see what was happening. All of a sudden the door started to be unlocked from the outside. We backed into the cold crumbling, spider-infested wall. We huddled together and hoped that it was a teacher or another adult to come and save us.

When the door first opened all we could see was the silhouette of a man. Slowly as the light came into the room we figured out that he was our old and grumpy principle, Mr. Robertstien.

"Get up, let's go!' He yelled as we scrambled to our feet. "Hurry! They are only gone for the minute!"

Oakley and I were almost running to keep up with him, but we were also almost running so we could get away from the horrible aftermath of the attack. There were bodies everywhere and injured people trying to carry their friends outside to get help. Others yelled out for help because they were to hurt to move, but we couldn't help them we had more important things to do.

Oakley and I ran outside with Mr. Robertstein and we hid behind the highschool that was now completely rubble, I turned around to see if Oakley and Mr.Robertstein were behind me. Oakley was, but she was petrified; her heart was beating rapidly and she had terror in her eyes, but I didn't know why she was so scared until she started to speak,

"Rile...Riley, um...Is tha...that Mr.Robertstein over the..there?"

I looked to where she was pointing and what I gazed upon was an alien clawing it's way out of Mr. Robertstein's skin. It was big and disgusting, puss was spilling out of its skin and it had seven eyes at least I think they were eyes, and it smelled terrible, so terrible.

The alien spoke, "We invaded your planet because our species is dying and we need more hosts to latch onto so we do not die."

What I didn't expect was to see Oakley grab my hand and her yell and scream the chant we were saying in the safe room. It was screaming out in pain and yelling,

"No, stop right now or you will regret it!" It yelled as it started to look more deformed and disgusting then it had before.

Oakley and I did not stop, we actually stepped closer, with every step we got louder and had more courage. Then, it screamed out in pain and finally burst puss, guts, and blood everywhere, just like a splatter painting that a three-year-old did. I was so happy that I looked at Oakley, and out of nowhere, she kissed me. I kissed her back and what she said next surprised me, "Riley Angler I think I love you...No....I do...I love you."

I was so surprised that she feels the same way I stated, "I love you too, Oakley Schnider."

We looked into each other's eyes and we held each other, smiling and happy, we didn't care if anyone saw us until I saw Oakley get shot in the head. I screamed and looked to where the bullet came from.

I saw the FBI, the SWAT team, and the military all surrounding around us. Then I simply said, "I love you, Oakley. I always have I hope I get to live with you in the afterlife."

Then everything went black.

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