Part One: The beginning

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It was a cold, frosty autumn evening in the quaint and quiet town of Brindleton. It wasn't just any normal autumn evening, It was the night of Halloween. All the houses were covered in cotton spider webs and spooky lights.Whoever you were, wherever you came from, if you lived in Brindleton then it was adamant that you decorated your house.

Only one resident of Brindleton has their house un-decorated on Halloween and that's the house of  Police Sheriff Harry Wilson. As a police officer, Harry was forever busy on Halloween, patrolling the streets until the early hours of the morning, Checking children's goody bags for any dodgy things. Halloween was a nightmare for Harry Wilson and he decided not to celebrate it, which was a shame for his daughter, Rose.

Rose has long, dark, brown hair which she wore in a tight ponytail, revealing her slightly large forehead. Her brown eyes were her main feature was her deep, soulful, brown eyes. She was quite small for her age and her skin was quite pale. She was just a normal teenage girl. She goes to Brindleton Academy and is year nine.

Harry and Rose have lived alone since Rose's mother passed a few years ago. Harry's devastated by the loss of his wife and has struggled ever since, even though she died when Rose was 8. Rose is 14 now and she wishes she could've bonded with her mother some more. Harry is generally a nice guy who is loved by the citizens of Brindleton , it's just Halloween night where he comes across as a moany, old man.

Rose longs to go out and celebrate Halloween with all the children from her school but her father bans the mention of Halloween in the house. The most she's celebrated Halloween was one night, the year before her mum died, she was able to go to the Halloween disco at school with her best friends, Petra and Elias. She is still best friends with them but they've all grown up. Petra, for about a year now, has been going through a goth stage and goes by the name of Pixie and Elias has become a football star and is one of the most popular boys at school. But he still makes time for his besties.
One Halloween night, Rose was sitting at her small, cute desk in her bedroom,doing her homework when there was at knock the door.

"Ugh" Rose heard her dad moan, "Rose can you answer that, I can't deal with Trick-or-Treaters right now" Rose rolled her eyes, slammed her now-broken pencil onto the mahogany desk and called out,
"Sure dad", Slouching, Rose got out of her chair and started to walk down the stairs. She could make out two figures standing behind the door. 'There's no decorations up, why do they even bother knock' She thought. Rose opened the door to see Pixie and Elias standing there. Pixie was black had she had black braids with a few purple ones, she was wearing a black cat outfit with purple lipstick. Elias was tanned and had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. His eyes were red due to the fact he was wearing contact lenses. His costume was a zombie doctor, his mum was a hospital receptionist so she got it from work and teared it up a little.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Rose asked, surprised.
"We were wondering if the ban was lifted, if you could come out" Elias said, with hope in his red eyes,  
"I'll go check but unless there's a shooting star, I'm not expecting him to say yes"

Rose left her friends at the door and wondered into her dads office where he stood at a crime board with a few pictures on it,
"Hey dad" she said, fiddling with her fingers, "I was wondering if I could go out with Elias and Pixie, just for a few hours" she said, she closed her eyes expecting to be yelled at but instead she felt a small pat on her shoulder. She opened her eyes to see her dad crouching in front of her
"Yes" he said. Rose cleared out her eyes and wobbled back,
"What" she asked
"I've been too harsh at you and I need to relax. Halloween deserves to be celebrated and I'm depriving that off you and it's not good, so get your secret Halloween costume you buy every year just in case" Rose chuckled, "And to have some fun" Rose paused for a second before jumping up and down and dashing into her room. She quickly got changed into her Hermione Granger costume and ran outside,

"Wait, he actually said yes" Pixie asked, confused, Rose nodded with excitement and headed off to town square for some traditional Pumpkin carvin.
Back at home, Harry was sitting by Rose's desk with a tear falling down his cheek. He was looking at a photo of him and his deceased wife standing, both in Halloween costumes with a trophy for best costume. They had come as Kermit and Miss Piggy. Harry stood up and walked over to the window,
"Please god, say I haven't made the biggest mistake of my life"

Meanwhile, Rose and her friends were watching the pumpkin carving competition. It was the final between Detective Frank Boyle (who Rose knew very well as he worked for Harry) and Miss Pemberton (the P.E teacher at Rose's school) the host was Xavier Charles (the head boy at their school). Rose loved it, the entities town standing around eachother, under the bright moonlight. They stand there for a while until Pixie got bored and suggested they go trick-or-treating.

Rose begun to get cold and shivered as they stood outside the firstdoor. It was black and had painted glass above the silver letter box. A woman with tied up blonde hair opened it with freshly baked cookies on a tray for them all,
"Sorry we ran out of Sweets so I baked some cookies, do you still want them?" None of them recognised the woman from town so they assumed she was new but they didn't care, she had got them cookies and they all loved her now.
Astounded, Elias took some and thanked the lady. They arrived at the second house which they knew belong too Dennis and George Crawley, twins from school. The twins opened it and gave them the whole box of sweets,
"We're only doing this because Rose let us copy her maths homework last week" George said,
"Nice one Rose" Pixie said.

On their way to the third house, They got scared by a group of older boys jumping up at them. They all wore goat masks and wore puffy jackets. Elias punched one of them in the stomach. Pixie and Rose were so shocked they gasped really loud, 'did he really just do that' they thought
"I'm gonna tell mum that you're scaring people" he said, the boy tore off his mask, revealing it too he Carter, Elias's older brother,
"Snitch" Carter said before him and his group ran off.
"That's my brother," Elias said,
"Oh that's a relief" Rose said, letting out a huge sigh of relief.

Rose was walking up to the third house when Pixie realised whose house it was,
"NO, DONT" Pixie yelled but it was too late. Rose has rung the bell,
"What, who lives here" The door opened and out stepped Old Man Terry, the meanest guy in town. He was hunchbacked and always wore a green coat and beanie,
"Oh shoot" Elias said as him and Pixie took a few steps back
"GET OFF MY PROPERTY YOU MENACING KIDS" He yelled, startling Rose.
"But your house is decorated" Rose argued back, "why would you decorate your house if you don't want people to knock"
"Rose, come on let's leave, it's getting late and I still wanna go to Tina Murphy's party" Elias said, really wanting Rose to back down and come with him. Old man Terry was furious at the fact that Rose has shown him disrespect and grabbed her basket and chucked it down the road.

Cookie and sweets went everywhere. Rose's Phone was in her basket and the four of them watched. Rose watched in horror, everything went into slow motion. Her phone was one of the most precious thing in her life, she had pictures of her mum on there and they weren't backed up onto the iCloud. The phone smashed to a million pieces on the floor. Rick slammed the door shut and Rose threw her hand to her mouth. She ran down the stairs and collapsed to the floor. She stared at the broken pieces and slowly she started to cry. First one tear, then the next then they wouldn't stop.
"Come on Rose, we can still get treats at Tina's party" Elias said,
Pixie closed her eyes at the thought of losing something that precious.
"Go to the party by yourselves, I want to go home"

Rose began to walk home with tears streaking down her face. She just wanted to be home, with her dad. She should've never gone out that night.
The next Morning, Harry went into Rose's room to wake her up,
"Hey Rose," he said opening the curtains. He looked down at the bed to find it empty, "Rose?" He said. He went downstairs but Rose was nowhere to be seen. Confused, he went outside. Then he started to panic.

Want to find out what happened to Rose? Stay tuned for Part 2: The Search

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