Part Three: The Agent

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Three Days Later, The search had been called off and Harry had been left alone in Molly's Diner. He sat at him and Rose'S special booth, the one farthest from the door without any scratches. He sat alone with a vanilla milkshake and the price of cloth from Rose's Halloween outfit. The opening bell rung and a woman about Harry's age walked through. She wore a badge blazer and black jeans. She wore her red hair in a ginger messy bun. She squinted her eyes at Harry before beginning to walk over towards him. Harry noticed and put the spoon down,

"You Sheriff Harry Wilson?" She asked with a strong New York accent,
"Who wants to know" He said back,
"I'm Special Agent Caitlin Morris with the F.B.I" she said, pulling out her badge. Confused, Harry took her badge and examined it to make sure it was legit, it was.
"Are you here because of my daughter?," Harry asked, "Who sent you?". Caitlin joined Harry at the table and showed him a picture of a dead body. Harry froze as he thought it was Rose but when he looked closer it was an old man. Above him was a weird sign. It was a natal star with goat horns in the middle,
"I'm here on my own accord, and I'm here about the gang named the goats, I believe they've surfaced in Brindleton and have recruited some new members" Caitlin said.
"Wait, the goats are just some small vandalising gang" Harry said, confused.
"No, Sheriff. I believe they are much more than just a vandalising gang, care to walk with me" Caitlin said. Hardy slowly nodded and the two of them made their way out of Molly's diner

Harry and Caitlin made their way down the road towards the park. On the journey there, Harry examined the picture,
"Where was this taken?" Harry asked, "and who is it?" Caitlin sighed before saying,
"That was Captain Fred Terry with the NYPD, a close and personal friend of mine. He was found dead Halloween Night. Just an hours drive from Brindleton. Ever heard of Willow Springs?" Caitlin asked. Harry nodded, "Also that symbol, have you seen it anywhere, it's the one for the goats. If this matches the symbol the goats in your town are using then we're on to something, something big".

Less than half and hour later, Harry and Caitlin were joined by Detective Boyle. Boyle was the detective in charge of the Goats criminal activity  so he would know more that anyone what the Brindleton Goats symbol looked liked. The three sat down in Boyle's office at Brindleton Police Station and as soon as Boyle saw the picture of Fred Terry he said,
"The Goats are just a vandalism group, are you telling me there's more behind those incompetent kids?" Boyle was shocked/angry at this. He wasn't so fussed about the Goats and he had let them do what they do and let community service clean up the vandalism.

At the Cooper household, Elias, Diane and Carter were watching Iron man 3 when Carter got a phone call from an unknown numbee. He walked to his bedroom and answered, he waited for the other line to start speaking. Eventually, an unfamiliar voice began speaking,
"Carter Cooper?" The voice said. You could tell it was a man but that was the only piece of information you could decipher,
"Yeah, I'm Carter, who are you?" Carter asked,
"I can't say my name over phone but I'm part of the Goats. Meet me outside the Wicker House Bar in ten minutes" the phone then hung up". Carter was freaked out yet curious. Whenever he went to vandalise a shed or the school or a curb, he would just text his friends and grab his Goat mask,
"I'm just going out, be back in half and hour" Carter called out as he left the house. Elias knew that his brother was in the Goats and went over to the window and watched him put on his mask, pull up his hood then turned the corner.

Carter arrived outside the bar and saw a man sitting on a table outside. He slowly approached and sat down next to him. He tried to see his face but it was covered by a Goat mask,
"Carter, we've seen that you've been a loyal goat for over eight months and your goat work is exceptional" The voice said. Carter could hear a hint of an Italian accent,
"So, Who are you?" Carter asked,
"I am Francis DiCampo, quite high up on the food chain within the Goats, I formally invite you to join us at Oasis Bay Police Station on November 23rd. We would like you to do the the artwork" Francis stated. Carter was beyond confused,
"But the Goats is just a random vandalism group, why invite me?, I normally just go out and tag some buildings" He told Francis.
"Oh, no Mr Cooper, it's a lot more than that" Francis laughed and walked off.

Caitlin checked herself in at the Brindleton Suites and got a small, fancy room. Harry joined her and the two of them set up a crime board. They stuck up the piece of cloth from Rose's Halloween outfit and the picture of Captain Terry. In the middle, they got Boyle to draw a picture of the Symbol for the Goats. He also photocopied all of the vandalism done by Carter and his friends,
"So do you know anything about who they've recruited?" Harry asked, Boyle and Caitlin shook their head,
"No but I think I know who could tell us" Harry said.

The next day, The three of them drove to Brindleton High. They walked up to Linda, the receptionist,
"Hi, how can I help you Sheriff, Detective, ummm" Linda said with her calm welcoming voice,
"You can call Agent Morris, we need to see Principal Gene immediately please" Caitlin spoke with a bold tone. Moments later, Principal Gene came out of her office and walked up to the desk,
"How may i be of assistance?" Principal Gene asked,
"Can we see your Attendance records?" Harry asked Gene. Gene nodded and typed something into Linda's computer,
"The lowest attendance in our eldest year is Carter Cooper" she read,
"I knew it!" Boyle said loudly, "he's gotta be one of the Goats, let's go catch that guy"

Stay tuned for The next part coming soon.  Part Four: The Insider

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