Part 5: The Second Disapearance.

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Boyle was lost for words as he put Robert back in the holding cell and left the precinct. He stumbled out the door and shook his head trying to understand what to do next. He snapped back to reality, caught his unsteady breath and focused hard on what He soul do. Should he go back and investigate further, or should he run to Harry's house and tell him. It took him a few moments to realise what he would do. He began to run. Boyle has never run so fast since he wain high school. There was nothing stopping him. The sun had started to rise and the orangey, yellowish rays of light shone through the tall trees as he finally made it to the Wilson household. He caught his breath for a second before rapidly pounding on the black wooden door.

Seconds later, Harry opened the door in his brown robe,
"Detective Boyle," He said concerned, "what's the matter?"
"The goats .... they hav... they have" he tried to speak but he couldn't. Harry invited Boyle inside but Boyle shook his head. It took him a minute until he could speak again,
"The goats have Rose." He finally told him,
"What, no" Harry said,
"Yes. The Robber, he's been manipulated. That's what they do, and they're gonna do it to Carter to. The robbery was a distraction. They're moving her tonight" Boyle told him. Harry, filled with all sorts of emotions, stormed out the house, on route to the precinct.

Caitlin was on a jog when she saw a furious Harry and Boyle trailing behind him. She took out her earphones and jogged over to them,
"Sheriff, Detective, what's going on?" She said, confused.
"The goats have Rose" Boyle said and he explained what Robert had told him.

When they arrived at the precinct. The three of them stormed up the stairs towards the holding cell. Boyle grabbed Caitlin's arm, pulling her back letting Harry storm on,
"Call Vanessa, ill make sure he doesn't kill the man" Caitlin told Boyle. Boyle called Vanessa and Harry pounded his fists against the bars on Roberts cell,
"WHERE DID THEY TAKE HER" he yelled through the bars, starting Carter in the next cell.
"To the HQ" Robert whimpered.
"I DONT KNOW" Robert started balling out in tears. He curled up in a ball and continued crying,
"Harry, look" Caitlin said, tapping his shoulder. Harry turned around to see Elias standing outside Harry's office.

Caitlin and Harry opened the door into the bullpen (the main office where all the desks are.) the two of them walked through the door into the Bullpen and Boyle and Vanessa came up the stairs. Elias turned the face the four of them, he had tears streaming down his cheeks and he was sniffling,
"Elias" Harry said walking over to him, "what's wrong, it's eight o'clock, shouldn't you be going to school" Elias sniffled and said,
"My mum went out last evening and she hasn't come back" The four adults shared a horrifying look as Boyle stepped forward,
"Ok, Elias. I am going to ask you a couple questions, is that ok?" Elias nodded. Boyle led him to his desk.

"Ok so can you tell me an approximate time of when your mother left the house?" Harry, Vanessa and Caitlin stood by, listening in,
"Well, it wasn't soon after Carter called me," Elias said, scrunching up a used tissue in his hands,
"Ok So carter called you at five o'clock, did she say where she was heading?" Vanessa wrote everything down so Boyle could focus on Elias,
"She was heading here, to see Carter, she seemed angry" Elias said. Boyle nodded,
"Ok, do you have anywhere to stay while we keep your brother here?" Boyle asked,
"You can stay with me if you like" Harry suggested, "or I'm sure Vanessa here will be happy to hold you up for a while." Vanessa nodded and smiled, "Or some friends". Elias thought about it for a while before saying,
"Can I stay with you, Vanessa. It's just your house seems big enough"

After School, Pixie, Tina and Xavier just got on the bus and were on their way home,
"Hey Pixie" Tina begun, "did they ever find Rose or like, what's going on with that?" Rose sighed and shrugged,
"Not sure to be honest. Detective Boyle and Sheriff Wilson are still working on it but besides that, nothing more can be done"
"What about that new lady?" Xavier asked, "the one who Sheriff was with in Mollys, with the red hair"
"Oh Caitlin, well I'm not sure what's up with her, I think she's some FBI agent or something" Pixie said, trying to shrug of the topic of Rose,
"Wow that's so cool" George exclaimed as him and Dennis joined them at the back,

"I never thought Brindleton would change this much" Xavier said staring out the window, "first the Goats vandalised the entire town, then Carter Cooper started acting weird. Then Rose went missing, and now according to Snapchat, So has Diana Cooper" Xavier showed them his Phone. Pixie was shook and grabbed the phone. There was a Snapchat from Elias saying his mum has gone missing and he was staying at Vanessa's. Pixie got off the bus and made her way to Vanessa's house,

"Elias!" She screamed from the bus stop. Elias was standing outside Vanessa's house with a box full of his essential items. As soon as he saw Pixie across the street at the bus stop, he put down the box and started to run towards her. The two embraced as a tear ran down Pixie's cheek,
"We will find them" Pixie said, "I promise"

The exact same thing was said at that exact time by Caitlin. Caitlin was saying it to Boyle, Vanessa and Harry,
"The goats are dangerous and we will stop them, before it's too late. They've taken Rose Wilson and they've taken Diane Cooper. And I swear on god, I will NOT let them take another" They all nodded. They could hear Carter quietly crying in his cell after Vanessa told him the news.

"How are we gonna stop them" Boyle asked, "I could barely stop them when they were a tiny, no business graffiti gang, and now we know they're something more, what do we do"
"We taken them down from the inside" Harry said, frowning with rage, "we get all the inside information, we stop all plans they have, we ruin they're dreams and we infiltrate they're HQ's. We take no bull crap and we don't care who gets hurt in the process. All we need is a single guy on the inside" Vanessa and Boyle linked eyes, with the same question,
"Who?" They both asked,
"I know." Caitlin said walking towards the window and having a clear shot of the holding cell. All four of them looked at the same person. Carter Cooper.

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