I've had the time of my life (and I owe it all to you)

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I've had the time of my life(and I owe it all to you)-gguksroulette 



"I...I was just wondering if you could teach me as well. How to dance, I mean." Of course Jimin would say something as stupid as that. He was out of his mind right now, just wanting anything and everything to do with Jeongguk, though he had no idea what to do. All this man could do was throw Jimin off of his usual high horse and leave him in shambles.

Jeongguk smirked at that, one that turned his bunny smile into something a lot more wicked. "Oh, baby, I can do much more than that."


Jungkook is a dance teacher at a country club, and Jimin has nothing better to do than take a few lessons.



It had been hours that Jimin had been sitting in this stupid field, watching his dad golf. Do you even golf on a field? Is that even what it's called? Jimin couldn't care less. All he knew was that he had been there for so long that he was growing tired of the sun beading down on his face and the bugs trying to fly into his mouth. This, indefinitely, was one of Jimin's worst summer vacations yet.

Jimin and his family weren't exactly what you would call poor—in fact, they were the opposite. Jimin and his family were exactly what you would call rich, which is why they were able to fly from Seoul to Goyang and rent out the nicest room at the nicest country club in Korea. Not to mention that they were staying at this country club for the entirety of the summer.

However, Jimin being rich meant that he had had far better vacations than this. There were times he went to Disney World, there were times he went to Greece—hell, there were times he went to Busan and he had more fun than this. Golfing just wasn't his thing, and it wasn't his father's thing, either, based on the curses that he was throwing out.

"Fucking hell ," Jimin heard his father scream, causing Jimin to slightly turn his attention in the direction of the man. His father didn't exactly know how to play golf, which is why the two of them were staying in one place and not following the balls that he was whacking across the grass. Speaking of balls, the one Mr. Park just hit went into the lake nearby, which is probably why he cursed.

"Dad, I just don't think golfing is suited for you," Jimin said, adjusting his sunglasses. "We've been out here for hours and all you've done is watch the balls fly into the wind. I'm pretty positive that's not how golf works."

Mr. Park scowled, staring down at the small amount of golf balls he had left. He had brought a whole bucket, yet was only left with the bottom of the pail. "I think I can get better. We have the whole summer here, you know?"

"Exactly!" Jimin said, stretching his body out and standing up, waddling over so that he could be closer to his father. "We have the whole summer here, for some damn reason ," he whispered the second part, "so that means that we should take a break from golfing!"

Jimin noticed his father's hesitant face as he stared down at the remaining balls. He didn't think he could take watching him hit another single one of them into that poor lake.

"Please, Dad, for the love of God, let's go get some food."

Food—that seemed to get Mr. Park's attention. Jimin couldn't help but smile, for the smile on his own dad's face showed that Jimin had finally gotten through to him. Of course the boy knew exactly what buttons to press. Jimin was used to getting exactly what he wanted.

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