Pocket knives and confessions

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Trigger warning for: self harm, eating disorders, abuse and death I'm only going to put this here so warning for the other chapters.

{Virgil's PoV}

I sat on the bathroom floor three bloody pocket knives in front of me. The bathroom door was closed but not locked, it didn't matter. No one would see me anyway, they all went out to see a Disney film. That was fine by me, it's not like I cared anyway. I picked up one of the knives and dragged it along my arm. I was running out of space. I was halfway done then I heard the front door open and someone started yelling. I panicked and put the knives back in a box and put my hoodie back on.
Walking slowly to the stairs I saw roman yelling at Logan. I wondered what it could be this time. They were always yelling at each other, they could never agree even on the simplest of things. I sat down pulling out bandages from my pocket and start wrapping up my arms. I was done when I saw roman storm up the stairs. I didn't have chance to hide and he just stopped and glared at me. He slowly walks up to me, I figured it was the right time to leave, as I stood and and started to walk upstairs. Roman grabbed my arm right where the cut was and pulled me back down. I used all of my willpower to not scream in pain.
I knew roman was yelling but I couldn't make out he was saying and my vision became blurry. Before any tears left, thankfully he stormed upstairs and slammed his door*

{Romans PoV}

Seeing Virgil tear up on the stairs made me more mad. He shouldn't be the one crying. He doesn't know what I go through. Slamming my door I fall on my bed hugging myself. I take a couple of sleeping pills and fall asleep.

I woke up and looked at my phones. 15 messages, 3 missed calls and a voicemail from Logan, plus an apology text from Virgil. Virgil was always apologetic even if it wasn't his fault. I heard a knock at my door and presumed it was logan. "Go away Logan" I yell

{Virgil's PoV}

"Not Logan" I reply. I wait for an answer but he comes to the door and opens it. It's clear he has just woken up. "What do you want?" He snaps. I take a couple of steps back getting ready to run. "Is this a bad time?" I say trying to stay calm. "Well I'm already awake now so what do you want."
"I uh... need bandages I wondered if you have spares" I tried to finish my sentence quickly so I could get out of there quickly. "Why would I have bandages?" He snaps again. "P-Patton always makes sure everyone has spares..." I let my void trail off as I see his glare. "What do you need them for?" He asks his voice a bit softer.

{Romans PoV}

I see panic in Virgil's eyes and realise it's not a good idea to scare him. I ask what he need bandages for and he just looks away. He's hiding something. "Virgil?" I say accidentally sounding concerned. "Virgil what do you need the bandages for?" He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I look around to see if Logan is around and hugs him. He breaks down in my arms and I gently pull him into my room. "What's wrong Virgil?"

{Virgil's PoV}

I can't tell roman the truth. But I can't lie, I'm already crying in his arms. I pulls away and lifts up my sleeve showing the bloody bandages. He just stares at them. After a couple of seconds he pulls out a first aid kit and re-wraps my arms. "Thank you" I say shakily. He smiles at me and pulls me into another hug. We stay like this before Logan comes bursting through the door. "What the hell is happening?" He yells. I freeze and roman gets up. "Lo, it's not what it looks like..." he says gently pushing Logan out of the room. "Get off me" he yells storming over to me. "Logan- please we..." I never got to finish my sentence. He drags me out of the room and yells something before turning to roman and yelling at him. What felt like eternity he finally left and I curled up in a ball in the floor.

{Romans PoV}

I look at Virgil on the floor. He looks terrified. Like he thought something really bad was going to happen. I composed myself and goes to virgil. "You ok?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder. He jumped back a bit. "Yeah I'm fine" he says very unconvincingly

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