Dreams amd nightmares

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{Virgil's PoV}

It was another memory. Even in my sleep I couldn't escape the torment of life. I woke up tangled in my sheets. I look over at my alarm clock. 4:30 am. I got up and went downstairs to get a glass of water and turned around to see Patton on the sofa. "Hey Patton" I say loud enough so he can hear me but carful not to wake up the house. He turns around, it was clear that he'd been crying. "You ok?" I ask sitting down next to him. He had his phone in his left hand and a small box in his right hand. He just looked at me more tears pouring down his face. I hug him in attempts to calm him down. "What's wrong?" I ask, it was unusual for me to see Patton cry. He's always so happy and cheerful. Patton hugs back tightly, sobbing. "Lo...Logan" He said in between sobs. "What about him?" I ask. My anxiety was starting to build up and I tried to shake it from my mind. The last thing I need is to make Thomas have a panic attack at 4 in the morning.

{Romans PoV}

I heard crying and assumed Patton has already gotten the message. I paced around my room for a bit and hear Virgil wall downstairs. I never realised how cute he looked, messy purple hair, a hoodie that matched and jeans. I never realised until now how he always wore oversized clothes. I was lost in thought but then heard crying again. I presumed it was Patton and decided to come down to comfort him. Walking downstairs I saw Virgil hugging Patton and I walked up behind them. "What about him?" I heard Virgil ask. I knew they were talking about Logan. "Logan's dead" I said. Virgil jumped at my sudden appearance and Patton cried more. I joined in on their hug and felt a couple of tears fall down my face.

A couple of months later

{Romans PoV}

Things had gotten worse since Logan died. Patton wouldn't come out of his room and Virgil seemed more on edge. I was upset that Logan died but he was horrible to me. I tried to get Patton out of his room by baking cookies or putting on his favourite film. Nothing seemed to work. A couple of weeks ago he got a call from his family saying that they wanted him back for a couple of months. It has just been me and Virgil in the house. Virgil seemed to be getting worse. I managed to make him let me help him with the bandages on his arm. I knew he had some on his stomach but he never showed me.
I sat down on the sofa putting on a Disney film and curled up. Halfway through Virgil came down. His eyeshadow was halfway down his face and his eyes were red. He grabbed a water and came and sat by me. "How are you" I asked. "I'm great" he replied.

{Virgil's PoV}

I didn't know what else to do. I had fresh and bleeding cuts all over my body and it was clear I'd been crying. I leaned into roman and to my surprise he put his arm around me. He pulls me close and whispers "I love you" into my ear which made me blush. "I looked and his and smiled. "Love you too" I replied putting my head on his chest. I never thought I'd say that out loud. smiles and closes my eyes.

{Romans PoV}

Virgil fell asleep on me smiling. I couldn't help but smile. I look at the clock and it's nearly 1 am. I pick Virgil up and takes him to his room careful not to wake him up. Holding him close made me realise why he always wore oversized clothes. He was so thin I could just about feel every bone. I put him on his bed and sat next to him. I looked at him sleeping and smiled a bit. For once he looked peaceful. I felt myself become tired and went to my room.

{Virgil's PoV}

I woke up in my bed with Romans scent lingering. I smiled for a bit before feeling a panic attack coming. I couldn't control it and ran to the bathroom grabbing the box of knives. I slammed the door forgetting roman could probably hear seen as his room was next to the bathroom. I sat on the floor and opened the box.
Do it
The voices were back. I tried to shake them away. Looking at the knives they became louder.
Do it. You know you deserve it.
I take out one of the knives and slid it across my arms. Running out of room on my arms I went to my stomach cutting deeper. The door opened suddenly and I looked around to see roman standing there staring at me. I tried to hide the box and my cuts but it was too late. He already saw. Not just my old scars but how thin I was. I covered my stomach with my hoodie.

{Romans PoV}

I woke up to the slamming of the bathroom door. I listened for a noise and heard metal hitting against metal. I got up and grabbed a jumper and put it on. I went to the bathroom trying the handle. It wasn't locked so I opened the door a bit. I saw Virgil on the floor knife in his hand and he was bleeding everywhere. He turned around and saw me and tried to cover his stomach. I didn't know what to do, I just stared at him like an idiot. "Virgil?" I asked stepping towards him. He jumps up and tries to walk past him. I step in front of him. "You're not going anyway until you tell me what's wrong."

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