Chapter 12- It Might Also Be A Bomb

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Dedicated to @UpsideDownAnne- especially to Olivia, Liam, and Ryan! Here's to hoping they don't destroy any more curtains!


Maddy's POV

About ninety percent of the reason Noah wasn't Brother-Toast when he got home was the discovery of a note in my bag. Showing that to him would've been completely pointless, wouldn't it?

When Noah returned, I heroically didn't chew him out. Then I shut myself in the broom closet.

The note had been folded into a thumb-size chit. I'd found it slipped into my bag- when, I didn't know- but the initials M. S. were written across the front in bold handwriting. I hoped it wasn't a threat- because if it is, that wouldn't have been nearly as cool as getting a note from a stranger.

I wasn't dumb. It could've been a tracking device or bomb, not a folded piece of paper. To make sure, I put a little spit on the letters M. S. When the paper didn't begin smoking, sparking, or exploding, I concluded that it was probably not a safety hazard.

Why did I get a note that was actually a note?

There was no way I was going to tell Bailey about it, either. Other, annoying thoughts began invading my mind- like how I was going to have to make up with Bailey now. Noah's suit and all.

Stupid thought! Begone!

Noah usually left my friendships alone, letting me do what I wanted- unless he felt like it didn't fit within his moral code. But for him to tell me to make friends with someone-he was probably just tired of my constant moaning. Or...

I grinned wickedly, then sighed. No, it probably wasn't that one.

I didn't hear the footsteps coming down the hall - giving me about half a second to stuff the chit down the front of my shirt as the door opened.

I wished I had pockets.

Noah flew in, carrying a textbook under one arm. Apparently, this superhero had been busy finishing his homework. "What're you doing?"

I promised myself that I would find a way to read it later, praying desperately that it wouldn't fall through my shirt. "Nothing," I said innocently. "Okay, bye!"

Noah frowned, but didn't move. "Are you-"

"Positive!" With that, I raced past Noah and into the hallway. Clutching the bottom of my shirt and waistband together, I locked myself in the bathroom.


I unfolded the chit. It didn't take long to read- just the words 'Dragons never die' on the whole piece of paper. Signed by an M. S. Were those initials? A secret identity? Short for Monkey Socks?"

Plus, a Fire dragon in Kalmera's Dryd National Park died last month. It was a few hundred years old, but dragons definitely weren't immortal.

I seriously considered showing Noah the note for ideas, then thought again. He was too likely to take it from me, check that it wasn't a bomb, and then pass off my great discovery as a hoax.

I'd tell him later, sure. When I had proof behind the dragons-don't-die thing.

First came school- I'd have to speak to Bailey tomorrow. I could always lie to Noah and say I'd done it, but it was like stealing candy from a baby. It was way too easy. Besides, this was probably important, or he wouldn't have asked.

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