Chapter 15- Just Espionage, Mostly

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Dedicated  to @RMRayne for the amazing new cover! 


Maddy's POV

I blinked once, then twice. Why was the princess of Kalmera on our doorstep?

Noah was frozen in place, so I scrambled to unlock the door. Zara Jaya walked in carefully, her guards following with blank expressions. Maybe they weren't as impressed with us, or they were secretly falling asleep. One had both eyebrows scrunched together, another sported a deep frown. All five guards wore the same navy-blue uniform as the one I had seen earlier.

Zara Jaya herself was informally dressed, a cherry-red Kalmeran tunic buttoned down the side. The only thing marking her as a royal was the cape, which reached her knees. Considering the outfit, the gold in her hair, and the general air of confidence, she might've been in complete military uniform- and the effect would've been just as strong.

Both Noah and I were afraid to breathe too loudly. When Zara Jaya noticed, she smiled. Apparently, the stories about the princess of Kalmera disliking formality were true. "No need to be afraid."

"You're the princess of Kalmera. The heir to an entire country- and royalty. How can... I mean, how can we, Zara..." Noah facepalmed, but Zara Jaya wasn't even slightly fazed. "I know that. So?"


"That photo." She pointed to a photo of Noah carrying a younger me piggyback around the house, tilted to adjust for the subjects being horizontal and screaming with laughter. "Is that you two?"

"Yep. The boy is Noah and the girl is me..." I trailed off. "Though it's kind of obvious since he's the only boy here and I'm his..."

At that moment, Noah looked as close to genocidal as he'd ever get. "So..." Noah cleared his throat. "What did you want to talk to my mother about?"

"I'm sorry, Noah- or should I say, Lazero?"

Noah and I exchanged panicked glances. How does she know?

"Noah, please don't be shy. I know quite a bit more than you credit me for. If your mother is out, could you let me know when she'll be back from work?"

"Mom should be back any minute," he said into silence. "Dad might take another few hours."

Zara Jaya nodded in understanding. "I have already sent a message to your mother. She should be here any minute after she has concluded her work."

So this is about her work as Cyclone? I twisted my hands together nervously. "Um... in the meantime, would you like to eat- I mean, are you hun- do you- gah!"

"I'm fine," she replied politely.

"No, it's okay." My mouth continued speaking, as if by itself. "Water? Coffee- no wait, you're a princess." I thought for a moment. "Orange juice?"

I was saved from the impending disaster by a current of midair water droplets.

Mom reformed in the doorway, the droplets swirling together to form her body. "I'm here!" She stumbled a bit, the rest of her foot reforming in time to catch her. Mom regained her posture and nodded formally at an amused Zara Jaya. "Zara Jaya. What an honor to have you-"

"I've just told your kids to drop the formalities, and I think the same goes for you, too," Zara Jaya said pleasantly. "Your kids are very well-behaved, Mrs Torrez. They seem informed about stranger danger."

"Thank you," my mother said, as if they were two people chatting about children, not a superhero and the ruler of a country.

"Don't mention it." Zara Jaya took a seat, gesturing for Mom to follow. "Is it all right if your children stay here- do they know about..."

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