Chapter 17 Halloween Party part 1

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( Your perspective )

My life couldn't get any worse.....I faceplate into my bed and groaned in tiredness .I looked at my alarm clock at the table beside the bed. I watched as it went from one second to one minute to one hour. The sound of the crickets outside made me feel at peace. I stared up at the celling, listening to the crickets singing their melody. I watched at the celling fan goes around and around ,seeming like its getting faster and then slower then faster again. I felt my tired eyes slowly close and I slowly drifted off to sleep. Not caring about anything else. I was finally at peace with the sounds of the mother nature.

( Your dream )

I woke up in a bed that isn't my own. It was soft but solid. I felt a arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close against the man's chest. I felt my heart beating fast in my chest and my cheeks burn up to a deep crimson color. I slowly removed his hand from my waist. I quickly got up from the bed that I was laying in. I looked around the room, there was a picture on the wall that caught my attention. It was a photo of me and a man holding a baby. It looked like a wedding photo of the bride and groom...My attention went to the man in the photo. I couldn't see his face from the quality of the photo but he feels familiar " Angel what's wrong?" A familiar male voice says concerned. I slowly turn around see the man in the bed was tall and had beautiful grayish blue eyes, they looked exactly like Michaels. can't be him...he died. He got out of bed and looked at me with concern. I couldn't hold back my tears. " Michael...Michael!" I yelled running into his arms, hugging him tightly. " Ow hay, could you loosen the grip a little?" He says chuckling. I smiled and chuckled to myself. "Oh my Michael...your alright" I said softly. He hugs me back and pet's my head. We stayed like that for a little while and we hear a baby crying. He let me go. " I'll go check on him" Michael says to me with light shinning in his eyes and a sweet smile. Him?! WE HAVE A SON! Michael leaves the room. I sit on the bed in shock. We....we had...we! My face started to heat up again, just thinking about...that~ I sat on the bed and waiting for him to come back but...he never did. I was getting worried. I should go check on him, I thought to myself. I exit the room and quietly walk down the hallway. I hear from a room glass shattering and furniture being thrown and our son crying. I follow the noise to the room worried. " Michael! What's going on" I said worried. I open the door and I gasped in shock. There was Michael on the ground with a pool of blood. Omg. A man was towering over him, he wore a navy blue overalls and a white mask. Holding a knife with blood dripping from it. He stood in front of the cradle where our son was crying. I heard him slowly breath...starring at the child. I grabbed a gun that was at the side by the dresser. I held it up to the man. " Get away from my son!" I said bravely. He slowly turns his head to me. His icy blue eyes stare at me with no light...just darkness. I gulped and my body trembled in horror. He walks closer to me and back away. " Stay away or...or I'll shoot! " I said nervously trying to stay cool. He continues walking closer and closer and closer. I pulled the trigger and shot him in the chest. He payed no heed and kept walking towards me. He grabbed the gun I had and threw it to the side. How?! He grabbed me by my neck and pinned me against the wall. I tried to pull is hand off my neck but he was stronger than me. He raised the knife above is head, starring at me with his cold dark eyes. The devil's eyes I trembled under him. I felt tears form in my eyes. " Please don't" I said softly crying. His knife races down and stab me in the chest.

( End of dream )

" (Y/N) wake up!wake up! " Jessica says shaking me. I groaned annoyed. " 5 more minutes" I groaned. " 5 minutes! You've been sleeping for three hours!" Jess yelled shocked. I grabbed a pillow and covered my head. " (Y/N) come on Nick is going to be here in 30 minutes!" Jess says worried. My eyes open wide. " What!!!! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!" I said jumping out of bed and ran to the bathroom faster than lightning. Then it hit me. "Wait!! I don't have a custom!"
Dun! Dun! Dun!

( To be continued....)

Sorry it took so long...

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