Chapter Three

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"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

-Walt Disney

Kate grabbed Annette's little arm and stormed out of the room. For a brief time, Marco and Frank glanced at each other and finally decided to follow the girls.

As they walked past on Ruel, Frank tapped his shoulder and said, "We'll think about it, Ruel," smiled, and shut the room's door.

When the two boys reached the bottom of the staircase, they saw Mrs. Rodriguez having a conversation with the girls. After few seconds, she pointed at the kitchen, at a plate of cookies and lemonades set on the table.

"Of course, Mrs. Rodriguez, Ann must be really glad for the cookies you prepared," she said as Frank and Marco grabbed their seats.

Frank was a bit reluctant to eat. He felt a surge of guilt after walking out from Ruel's room.

"Oh, what's taking Ruel too long upstairs?" she asked.

Marco cleared his throat. "Umn, he'll be downstairs any minute. He's still cleaning up his grandfather's stuffs he showed us a while ago."

"Very well, I still have to feed the chickens outside. Enjoy your snacks children," she said as she patted Ann's head and left the kitchen.

Little Annette was enjoying the cookies, while the rest of them, haven't even touched a single one. Frank knew they felt the same thing he was feeling right now, and thinking what would Ruel do after they left him. If it weren't for the cookies and Mrs. Rodriguez, they might have left the house and quarreled outside.

"We have to go," Marco cut short the silence.

"I know we did the right thing," Kate butted in. "Our parents have been telling us never to cross over the fence and play on the woods. W-what if there are snakes, or wild beasts, and insects, and—"

"We understand, Kate," Frank interrupted. "And Ruel will, I know."

Kate eyes began to well with tears, but she took a deep breath and forced herself not to cry.

"We have to leave," Marco said.

"But the cookies!" Ann cried while still having a mouthful of cookies that sent some fragments to burst out from her mouth.

"Come on now little Ann," Marco said as he stood up and grabbed a handful of cookies and slipped them on the girl's pocket.

Just as the other kids were about to stand out from their sits, Ruel emerged from the stairs. Frank and the others stood petrified—so does Ruel. He was clinging with him on his back a bag, like surely he was about to go for an adventure. Frank could see bitterness in his eyes as the boy cut his gaze on them and headed towards the door.

"Ruel, you can't—" Frank's words cut short. Ruel did not listen and disappeared right off their sight.

"What do we do?" Kate asked, tears cascading down her cheeks. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have said those harsh words."

"I'll go follow after him," Marco said in defiance.

"I will too," Frank added. "If afterwards we prove that the house doesn't even exist, then it will keep him from going over the fence.

Ann frowned. "B-but it's dangerous."

"We know Ann," Marco said as he tapped her head. "But would you let the snakes devour your brother Ruel?"

Little Annette shook her head, "I hate snakes."

"Very well, we need to catch him up."

Kate was still sobbing when they all left the house (unnoticed by Mrs. Rodriguez) and headed right away near the bordering fence. The pile of rotting woods and barb wires loomed in front of them. Frank hesitated at first. But Marco was already on top of it, maintaining his balance by stepping on the sturdy blocks.

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