Chapter Six

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"Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to make them a reality."

― Germany Kent

"Let's try outside," Frank said, and he led the way with his flashlight.

Another gust of wind welcomed them as they moved out of the third room. The grasses in the living room swayed and the birds chirped louder as if feeling their adrenaline.

"Annette?" Marco called, "where are you?". Then he dashed on the living room, scrutinizing every corner, calling the little girl's name. He opened the main door and peeped his head on the outdoors to see any signs of Annette.

Marco turned and shook his head, and walked back towards them with a total worried expression.

The second door caught Franks attention, he noticed it was half open. "The second room," he said, pointing the door.

The three immediately scampered back to the second room with high hopes that the girl was just wandering inside. Frank bumped the door hard that it flung on the right wall and bounced back and closed on its own.

Frank's arm started to shake, but he kept his control as he swung his light in all directions for signs of the little girl. But there was no image or silhouette of Little Annette—the room was empty as it was before.

"Oh my," Kate began to cry again. "We shouldn't have gone to the third room."

"It-it must be Ruel," his brother stammered, clearly tensed too. "Remember, he was hearing Ruel's voice."

A bead of sweat trickled on Frank's temples. "This is not a good joke."

"Let's keep looking," Marco said. He took a step backward, and a sudden sound of a crumbled object made them bowed down at what he had stepped into.

Frank focused the beam of light on Marco's foot. He lifted his right foot and revealed a crushed chocolate cookie that looked very familiar.

Marco gasped. "Aunt Cecilia's cookies—I stuffed some in Annette's pocket."

"So she was here," Frank said, illuminating some parts of the floor like a detective. "I haven't seen the cookies before we moved out from this room. That means—"

Frank caught glimpse of another cookie chunk on the floor right in front of the picture frame. "There's another one," he pointed at the cookie. The siblings stared at the cookie for a moment, and snapped on the idea that they were responsible in taking care of Annette.

Kate sobbed, but this time his brother barely seemed to care about her crying sister. "Stay calm, well find her for sure."

"Guys," Frank called. He directed the light on the picture frame.

Frank is not that much keen to details, but glad he had a sharper memory. He thought there was nothing wrong with the texts on the frame. Until he realized the words were different...different from what they seen and read on their first entry to the room.

Frank shuddered as he read the text. As far as he could remember, the previous quote was about faith to open the doors of the unseen. Now the text says:

Little Annette believed, and now she sees.

Kate stopped sobbing after finally realizing what Frank meant. She was dumbfounded, seemed not to believe on what she's seeing. "Oh, Lord" she finally whispered in the air, grabbing his brother's arm.

"I-I can't stand this place anymore," Frank said with a shaky voice. "We should g-go home, now"

Marco looked as white as her sister now. "A-Annette...we need to find her first. Then we go away."

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