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Yeah, Monkey.

I would have used bullying as that might have being the ideal name for this page but then after deep thinking I realized that the word bullying couldn't really send out my message, but Monkey would.

And then again,


Why Monkey?

That was my nickname, or perhaps my new name, funny thing is that right now I have gotten used to it, because I learnt how to wear it with pride, but then no one should ever be forced to do that, no one should ever be subjected to such.

I had just being transferred to this school, it wasn't so big and wasn't so small, though it was nothing compared to the school I was coming from, which by the way was one of the biggest and most talked about school in that local government. I wasn't so happy, but I wasn't so sad, and the fact that we were just few in number made me think that it would allow for quicker and easy communication and love and harmony amongst us, but reverse was the case.

Three weeks down into the school and I had already gotten a nick name, Monkey and as if that wasn't the height of it all, I got a poem or song composed for me by my very own classmates.

"Monkey no dey wear earring"
"Eyo eyo"
"Monkey no dey wear earring"
"Eyo eyo"
"If she wear earring them go kill her chop."

This song was formed or was an adaptation from the cartoon "rainy and sunny" a cartoon that was shown on our local network channel AIT every Saturday by 8am and a rebroadcast on Tuesdays by 4pm.
How did I know all this, this was one of my favorite cartoon, not because of the song though but because of the fact that I love the idea of the two little puppet dolls that would seat and talk on the show everyday. The original song was meant to be,

"Chicken no dey cry for night"
Eyo eyo
"Chicken no dey cry for night"
"Eyo eyo"
"If they cry for night"
"Dem go kill am chop"

Now, don't blame me if I say I hate cartoons, because I do. I mean who wouldn't, Barbie, Ben ten, SpongeBob and the likes, I started hating all of it, because who knows what next I would be told,

"You can never be as beautiful as Barbie or you are just as wall shaped as SpongeBob or worse you look like the dark type of Ben ten."

I made up my mind that very moment that before a cartoon got ruined before me or made up into a song for me, a cartoon that I might probably love, it was best I ruined and killed the idea of all cartoons in my mind, and that was the birth of my hatred for cartoon and anything childlike.

I mean who wouldn't after all this.

As a child growing up, I used to love cartoons alot, and no matter how wack the cartoon might be as long as it had dolls, I would some how find away to love it, but that all changed after this, a song was made up specially for only me, and of all cartoons it had to one of my favorite cartoon shows, wow and sad.

Soon, the whole school sang it, I would be walking down the street and a classmate of mine or school mate of mine would call me Monkey, and then start singing, it was a very horrifying moment in my entire life, I watched my childhood being snatched from me, right before my very eyes. Some times I wanted to yell and scream,but then scream and yell to who, to Seniors who already called you that name or juniors who wasted no time in calling me that, fact is there was no one to go to, that was one of the worst period of my entire life, God knows that if I could kill each and every single one of them even today I would do it without thinking twice.

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