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Ever being called a pest or a parasite,

Well, if you have, I'm sure you can totally relate to this,

But, then if you haven't, sit back, seat belts on, because I'm about to take you on a fast ride on how feels to be called one.

Pest and parasite.

Yes, those were the names I got called in Senior secondary school one by the supposed love of my life and his supposed best friend.

By the end of Junior school three I was sure I didn't want to stay in the school I recently just got transferred to and I knew that I so badly wanted to either leave that school and go off to a new one or probably back to the old one, but then as I thought about it, Going back to what?, negativity from a school I had literally willingly decided to give up, there was no way I was going back there, but then my mom was adamant it was either the old school or this new one I just got transferred to, which is the one I graduated from. So I thought thoroughly about it and decided to stick around for a while, plus, I had already started started having feelings for the "supposed love of my life", please place more emphasis on the supposed.

I resumed school and agreed within my self that since I was going to be sticking around then it would be best if I got to know everyone, and then I came up with this brilliant idea, class reading club. What could be more interesting than a book club where everyone gets to talk and share their feelings on issues, it was the best idea I had come up with and it was the best way to get to know everyone

Some one once told me the best way to know a person is to see through them and have an upfront close relationship with them, where you all can talk and share ideas on things affecting you all.

So having come up with a brilliant idea I told the whole class and then we started it. We would go to the hall and read during lunch and talk about things, plus since the supposed love of the life was in the group too, it was a big step and chance for me to get to know him.

But then I should have known, that from this part of the world where I come from, nothing completely works out, I shouldn't have expected the plan to be a perfect success.

A week into the book club reading, two of my classmates dropped and claimed that it was too stressful to keep up with, and then the rest of the class until we were four, me, him, and our besties. I wasn't really happy that everyone had dropped and tried "not-my very absolute best" (and again emphasis on the not-my very absolute best) but my best to bring them back but they won't listen, and at a point I became fine with it because as long as he was still there in the group, and by he I mean the supposed love of my life. I was fine with it and started to realize it was great because it allowed us to be closer and share a lit bit of intimate and person topics.

But then the joy of all that was short lived, three weeks into the book club and a week into it being just only the four of us, he (love of my life) started slouching, he wouldn't follow us to read anymore, he would claim to be busy when it was so obvious that he wasn't, and then he had started giving me these attitude, and no this is not where the guy realizes he likes the girl and purposely wants to keep his distance, this is where the guy feels irritated by the girl and wants to keep his distance.

Yes! You read right,


He had started feeling irritated by me, that he didn't want to stay with near me, so he didn't tell me instead he told the rest that he was tired of hang out with us mostly because of me and funny thing is that he never told me all he told me was that he was busy and didn't have time anymore.

You know the thing about being in love with someone is that even when they give off that negativity and attitude and bad aura for some reason you just can't see reasons to hate them or dislike them, and to be honest, it's not obsession.

I had started hanging out with this guy who I really liked and you know the past three weeks had brought us closer than I really thought we could ever be and that just made me want to spend more time with him, which wasn't too much to ask for.

So even when he told me that he was busy, I monitored the time he looked less busy and tried to take advantage of it. Then one day, as he and his best friend were on their way to the hall I decided to tag along, I had followed them to a certain point when they told me to go back, but then stubborn me who wanted to spend more time didn't listen and then the next thing I heard was

"You need to go back and stop following us"

"Please, I just really wanna hang with you guys for some time"

"No, just go back and stop being a parasite"

"Wait, me, parasite"

"Yes, you, your a parasite, no a big pest, a really big pest"

Wow, right, I know that was the first thing that hit my mind, wow, me parasite, pest, Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! I was so shocked at those words that I just stood there speechless and immobile for about two to three minutes and watch them walk out, leaving me standing there, as I was trying to reconcile in my mind how getting to know someone (who I barely even talked to) made me a pest.

A lot of things ran through my mind, I had about twenty thousand emotional outburst perfectly played out in my head in just a minute, but then I stood there, and of all the emotional outburst playing out in my head, I chose confusion.



Should I have shouted, screamed, wailed, cried or probably turned the tables around, and most importantly did I feel like crying shouting, screaming, wailing, or even turning the tables around and make him feel guilty?

Yes, I did,

But, then did I?


but then that's one thing I so hate about loving someone, it makes you act civil even when you don't want to, just as long as the person you claim to love is standing right in front of you, your mind is compelled to act cool and collectively in charge of your actions all the time and that was my case. Plus I didn't want to give the impression that those words hit me badly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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