8: Tunnel ahead

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We all love the bright paths that reassure us in our hearts. we love the open roads that make us feel safe. Perhaps these paths reflect our comfort zone that we are used to live in such as our habits , behavior, the nature of life that we relaxed in without any adventure , but if we do not develop ourselves We will for sure find ourselves in bleak dark tunnel .

 Perhaps these paths reflect our comfort zone that we are used to live in such as our habits , behavior, the nature of life that we relaxed in without any adventure , but if we do not develop ourselves We will for sure find ourselves in bleak dark...

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What does this dark tunnel mean ?
Maybe this tunnel is reflect the moment that we leave our shiny world.
the tunnel which we pass in our lives is the new experience we learned in hard way and we forced to live it.

What to do in this situation?Don't be afraid, we are not in a horror movie

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What to do in this situation?
Don't be afraid, we are not in a horror movie. Just close your eyes and take a deep breath, then imagine that this tunnel is not that dark, but imagine that you are in a diamond mine as this diamond has been exposed to very high pressure , a very high temperature aslo its exposed to deep digging until it becomes precious and unique.

 Just close your eyes and take a deep breath, then imagine that this tunnel is not that dark, but imagine that you are in a diamond mine as this diamond has been exposed to very high pressure , a very high temperature aslo its exposed to deep digg...

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and now open your eyes, and you will find yourself leaving this tunnel to a brighter world than before.
just tunnel ahead.

 just tunnel ahead

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