12: Coffee Break(2) :Smart Goals

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Hi all this is the second coffee break in my book and as we suggested in the first coffee break that you all as a readers will be able to chose the next topic for the next coffee break . one of our precious readers already decided a topic about (SMART GOALS) and wrot about it and sent it to me to publish it here but this friend feel a little bit shy to mention her name . so lets see what she talk about and plz support her.

Smart Goals

 HOW TO?! We all ask this question at some point

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HOW TO?! We all ask this question at some point. At the beginning of anything we ask "How to" "How to choose?!" - "How to decide?!" - "How to do?!" And most important is "How to reach?!" Before. I was talking about how to be careful not to drive in the wrong way. But now I will tell you how to set yourself at the right one! How to know your road! How to drive in it! And how to reach your destination. First! Let's start with how to define or locate your desired destination/Dream/Goal. Now there are 5 standards to do so.

 Now there are 5 standards to do so

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First! Your dream must be Specific! Specific Goals/dreams have a significantly greater chance of being accomplished. To make a goal specific, the five "W" questions must be considered: Who: Who is involved in this goal? What: What exactly do I want to accomplish? Where: Where is this goal to be achieved? When: When do I want to achieve this goal? Then you must make it measurable! A SMART goal must have criteria for measuring progress. If there are no criteria, you will not be able to determine your progress and if you are on the right road to your destination. To make a goal measurable, ask yourself: How many/much? How do I know if I have reached my goal? What is my indicator of progress? The third standard is Achievable! Your destination must be reachable and attainable. This will help you figure out ways you can realize that destination and drive towards it.

 This will help you figure out ways you can realize that destination and drive towards it

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The achievability of the goal/dream should be stretched to make you feel challenged, but defined well enough that you can actually achieve it. So you must know If you have the resources and capabilities to achieve the goal? If not, what are you missing? Have others done it successfully before?

Is it Realistic?! Now this one is a bit close to the last one. When your dream is realistic in that the goal can be realistically achieved given the available resources and time. a destination is likely realistic if you believe that it can be reached. So you must answer those three answers with "yes" before you start driving! Is the destination realistic and within reach?! Is the destination reachable given the time and resources?! Are you able to commit to reach the destination?! And last but not least! Is Time bound! We all work well when there is a dead-line. So your goal must be time-bound in that it has a start and finish date. If the goal is not time constrained, there will be no sense of urgency and motivation to achieve the goal. 2 questions and 2 answers. Does your goal have a deadline? By when do you want to achieve your goal? Now that we are finished you can remember this by simply adding the first letter of each one of them together.

S specific

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S specific

M measurable

A achievable

R realistic

T time- bound

You get SMART goals/dreams. So do you have SMART goals/dreams?!

just Smart Goals.

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