part 2

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It was your second night. You went to the security room and check all the cameras. Then she is back. Susie the Puppet. "I see you have come back." She said. "Yeah." You replied. Susie sits next to you with her hand on your shoulder. "Hey, you didn't tell me anything about yourself." Said Susie. You look at Susie. "Ok I will tell you about myself. I was a solider working for the USMC. We trying to kill a man called Al-Alsad. He killed the president of his country to start a war."      


You were in a helicopter using a gun turret heading to the city to kill Al-Alsad. The helicopter lands into the city. "Outlaw. This Commad. We have report of a team being overrun by Al-Alsad's men over." Said Command. "Roger that. Were on our way." Said L.T Vasquez. You go through a the streets and there destroyed cars and buildings on fire. You find a building where the team is being attacked. You and your team go and throw a flash bang at the enemies. Blinding theme. You go and your go save them. "Are you all Alright?" Said L.T Vasquez. "Yes, were fine." Said the team. "Good. Now let's go. Were going to find Al-Alsad and kill him." Said L.T Vasquez. You and everyone else gets back on the helicopter. "Go, Go!" You get back the turret and the helicopter fly's off the ground. "Outlaw, this command, over." Said Command. "We read you over." Said L.T Vasquez. "Seal team six has discovered a nuclear bomb at Al-Alsad palace from the west. NEST teams are on the way. While nuclear bomb try's to be disarmed all US forces will fall back to east. Over." Said Command. Then a helicopter gets hit by a rocket. "We're hit, we're hit! I lost the tail rotor." The helicopter starts spinning around. "Mayday! Mayday! This is deadly going hard!" The helicopter crashes down on to the ground. "Command, deadly has crashed down and is in a situation. We're going to rescue deadly. Over." Said Outlaw. "Roger that. Be advised you will not be in a safe position when that nuke goes off. Over." Said Command. The helicopter lands down on the ground. "Deadly. This is Outlaw, are you Alright?" Said Outlaw. "I'm hit! Keaton is K.I.A., need some support right now." You and to the helicopter. "Pull the pilot out of there and get to the LZ! Do it!" Said L.T Vasquez. You pull the pilot out of the crashed helicopter while your team protects you. You go back to helicopter and sit the pilot down. Your heads back inside the helicopter and the helicopter lifts off the ground. "Ladies and gentlemen. This your captain speaking. Be prepared to fasten your seat belts. Hang on." The helicopter starts flying out of the city along with the other helicopters. "All US forces be advised. We possible nuclear bomb in the city. NEST teams are on site and attempting to desram. I repeat. We nucle-." The nuke goes off destroys the city. Helicopters off down to the ground. "EVERYONE HANG OOOOOONNNNNNN!!!!!!" The helicopter spins around and around. You hang to something. The helicopter then crashes out side of the nuclear blast. You wake up and crawl out of the helicopter and see that everyone is dead.

                            Presient day
                                                                             "What happened?" Said Susie. "One of the most shocking things that ever happened to me in my life. My team died from the bomb. The US army found me a thew days later. Far away from the nuke." Susie hugs you. "I'm sorry for what happened to you." She said. "It's okay." You both sit there in the chair. You wonder what might have been.

To be continued


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