Chapter 4: Ancient Aliens and a Walk in the Park

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Redding, California, United States of America

Emily's eyes flickered open, an odd feeling of rested relief taking hold of her as she took a deep breath. She pushed herself up, her muscles protesting the movement. The bright morning light blared through the curtains illuminating the small room, casting harsh shadows on the walls. Rubbing her eyes, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. It seemed brighter than normal, and Emily looked over at her clock.

8:14 A.M

She tried to jump up and grab her cane, but she fell to the ground, crashing into it.


The sounds of pattering feet came up the stairs and both her parents were soon in the room.

"Whoa, Emily, calm down!"

"Late, late, late!" Emily squirmed as her father helped her up, "Oh I'm so late!"

"Emmie, look at me," Her father instructed, "We turned off the alarm, you were finally sleeping, and you needed a day off,"

Emily groaned as she rubbed her forehead, but understood. It hadn't been a small inconsequential seizure, but had been repeated, lasting for many minutes, with convulsions. If her parents decided she needed more recovery time, then she absolutely did. She trusted her parents with her well being.

"Unless you want to try and get more rest after your eleven hour beauty sleep, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes if you're hungry,"

"Okay... I feel like I haven't eaten in a whole day so I need to,"

Her parents gave her hugs and kisses before leaving the room. Emily grabbed her cane, and moved to her closet. She dressed for the day in a pair of jeans, white tank top and a yellow floral blouse she only buttoned at the bottom. She was feeling good, and her appearance represented that. The dark circles under her eyes, a constant reminder of her insomnia were gone, at least for now, something she gladly took advantage of.

She made her way downstairs, a smell wafted into her nose, one she recognized but hadn't smelled in a long time.

"Mom? Did you make biscuits and gravy?"

"Damn right she did!" Her father fired back, "They're delicious and will be gone by the time you get here!"

Emily rolled her eyes as Isabelle scolded John. She took her seat and a plate of two biscuits covered in a thick sausage gravy was slid in front of her eyes. On the side were two strips of crispy bacon and a small pile of fluffy eggs. She couldn't help but lick her lips as she began to pray.

"In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit... Lord thank you for giving me the best mom in the whole world..."

John snickered and Isabelle produced a happy smile. Emily finished praying and began to eat, and as she did, John lowered the paper he was reading.

"So, Emmie, I had an idea I wanted to run by you,"

"Mm. What?"

She was engrossed in her breakfast, another rarity for the household. A full night of sleep and a full breakfast? The world was Emily Belle Nicholson's on this day!

"I was thinking we could go up to Whiskeytown, hang out there just the two of us... I heard that a meteorite may or may not have crashed around there last night,"

That caught her attention. Emily was, as any good science genius was, a gigantic space nerd. Whiskeytown was a giant 70 square mile nature reservation, famous for the large lake of the same name.

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