4| Anxiety

128 21 3


Every night she entered inside my room
My entire world turned sad and gloom

Her steps tip toed all the way to my bed
For her fingers caressed my forehead

Her touches send shivers into my spine
I was drunk by her moves like a wine

In my system, I felt a queer sensation
I drowned slowly by her soft seduction

In the moment she started to perform
My emotions swirled like a vicious storm

Tonight she had given me a wild ride
Her waves had choked me by the tides

In the sheets, I tried to catch my breath
Her flirty smile had burned me to death

I could feel every cut like a hurricane
For she gave me a big shards of pain

The pressure crashed inside my bones
And she would never leave me alone

Her hands was placed against my chest
For tonight she would not let me rest

She clinged her arms around my waist
These dreadful hours I was wide awake

Her icy kiss had froze my fragile insides
Every second of this ride I felt horrifed

This odd love had become her obsession
My body was her precious possession

If I'm with someone, she got jealous
When I'm all alone, she was delirious

What If I could tell her to love me?
Would she let my soul to break free?

I could tell that I don't love her anymore
Would she finally walk outside the door?

I tried to forget her but she still lingers
For I felt her bitter cold into my fingers

I had wished for an inner peace instead
Trying to get her out of my chaotic head

Could she let me go for me to walk away
And let me breathe to see another day

If she could give my freedom of sanity
She wouldn't be my fucking anxiety

October 17 2019 (310 words)

A/N: Again, I included a third person in my poem. This time a girl who was actually my Anxiety and she kept me wide awake late at night. Though I purposely wrote it because the girl was perfect to be my anxiety and if you read the whole poem between the lines. You will understand what I mean to say.

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