Chapter 1

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Amara Hallfield is an 18-year-old orphan, thankfully when she was 12 years old, she found a caring foster family in Mr. and Mrs. Hallfield and hasn't left. She eventually took a parental role towards her younger foster siblings, Paulie, who was 16, 13-year-old Emerald, 8-year-old Ewan, 8-year-old Daniel, and 2-year-old Kris. It was more evident now that Mr. and Mrs. Hallfield had taken a romantic cruise, which meant more responsibilities for Amara, with the support from her foster parent's only son, Kade, who lives next door. The kids call him Uncle Kade since he was also a parental guide in their life. He would check up on them and his parents every day, usually staying for dinner.

A week before Mr. and Mrs. Hallfield comes home from their cruise, and Amara is trying to cook dinner while keeping the kids under control.

"Ewan! Pick up your toys!" Amara yelled as she picked up a power ranger.

"That's Daniel's!" Ewan yelled back.

"Daniel!" Amara shouted while stirring the sauce.

She heard no reply, which made her slightly anxious. Had Daniel fallen?

"Daniel!" Amara called again.

Amara waited for a moment, but there was still no reply. Amara sighed and turned down the heat on the gas cooker. Amara came out of the kitchen and entered the living room, she folded her arms and was about to ask where Daniel was when she saw him in the front yard. He was playing with Uncle Kade. Amara stared a little and thought how cute it was to see them playing together; she remembered when Mr. and Mrs. Hallfield first brought her here. Uncle Kade was so friendly and had always been good with kids.

Satisfied that Daniel was alive, Amara went back to the kitchen to finish off dinner. She was making her famous macaroni cheese as she knew Paulie had a bad day at school and wanted to cheer her up. Amara set the table for her family, served the food, and called everyone to dinner.

It was the quietest the kids had been all day, Amara watched them feeling triumphant as they scoffed their dinner down.

"Delicious as usual," Kade smiled.

"Yeah! Thanks, Amie!" Daniel said with his mouth full.

"I give this 4/5," Ewan grinned, "more?"

"4/5?" Amara asked, "what's missing?"

"Mom and dad!" Ewan replied.

"I miss them, too," Amara smiled.

"Paulie, you're quiet," Emerald flicked her hair.

Attention turned to the 16-year-old who was poking her food rather than eating it. She shook her head and shoveled a mouthful of macaroni in her mouth. Amara took note to speak to her later.

"I go to play!" Daniel announced as he ran away from the table.

"Wait, Da-"Amara started, but it was too late, Daniel had already runoff.

"Yeah, I'm gonna talk to my friends," Emerald stood up.

"I have homework," Paulie made her excuse.

Amara watched her siblings walk away, feeling a little sad. She turned back to see Ewan bouncing in his seat, eagerly wanting to join Daniel.

"Go play," Amara rolled her eyes.

"Thanks!" Ewan grinned.

Baby Kris and Uncle Kade were the only ones left at the table, next to Amara.

"At least you can't run away from me," Amara booped Kris' nose.

"I'm still here," Uncle Kade smiled.

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