Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Amara lay awake in her bed the next morning, reading forums, blogs, anything she could get her hands on about DDlg and BDSM in general. She started to turn a shade of red when she found out about the more sexual side of things, but she shook that from her head, it wasn't the time to be thinking of that. Her foster parents were due home that night, which mean a busy day for Amara as she cleaned around the house.

In the afternoon, Amara had already finished her to-do list, and the kids were doing their own thing. Baby Kris kept her company while he watched his favorite cartoons. Being in the living room brought memories of the night before, she felt terrible about letting him go, but it's not as if Kade had gone far. He only lived next door.

"Amie!" Ewan rushed in.

"What is it?" Amara asked.

"Daniel fell off his bike, his arm looks funny," Ewan said.

"Keep an eye on Kris," Amara said.

The panic-stricken girl ran out of the house to find a group of kids, and a couple of adults stand over Daniel and his bike, and he was on the ground wailing. One of the other kid's mum's tried to comfort him. Amara rushed over to the crowd and bent down to attend to Daniel.

"What happened?" Amara asked.

"I fell off my bikes," Daniel cried.

Amara looked at his snotty red face; he had some scratches on his forehead. She turned her attention to his arm. It did look funny. She touched it, and Daniel let out a scream loud enough to make Kade come out from his house, he ran over and bent down next to Amara.

"I think it's broken, you need to go to the hospital," Amara said, dreading the thought of piling everyone into the car and waiting in the emergency room.

"I'll take him," Kade said.

"Are you sure?" Amara asked.

"Of course, I need to take my car to the mechanics, so I'll take him to the hospital first," Kade said.

Amara sighed; there was no way around this. She kissed Daniel on his forehead and watched as Kade picked him up and took him to his car. She waved them off and spoke to the adults that were there, she thanked them for being there and went back inside to see Ewan and Kris immersed in the cartoons.

"Daniel's going to hospital," Amara said.

"Is he gonna be ok?" Ewan asked.

"Of course, it's just a broken arm; it'll heal," Amara reassured him.

Ewan nodded and turned his attention back to the television. Amara sat down on the couch and put her feet up, she knew watching cartoons was something littles like to do, and it was something she had always enjoyed. Maybe Amara had more in common with littles than she thought.

An hour before she had to leave to pick up her foster parents, Kade phoned to update her on how Daniel was doing. Daniel's arm was broken and had already been for an x-ray, he was getting a cast put on, and his scratches were treated with disinfectant.

"I need you to pick us up, I had to leave my car with the mechanic," Kade said.

"That's fine. I'll pick you up on the way back from the airport," Amara said.

"Thanks," Kade replied.

She sensed some coldness in his usually warm voice, then remembered last night. Of course, he would be distant from her after that.

"Kade, listen, about last night," Amara said.

"Don't worry about it, I'll see you later," Kade said, then hung up.

Amara felt a twinge of guilt as she put her phone down. She wanted to talk to him about it. It wasn't long before Jase showed up to look after the kids; they quickly caught up before Amara left the house. She knew the kids were in capable hands, Jase had always been good with children.

The drive to the airport felt long overdue, Amara was excited that her foster parents were finally coming home, she loved her foster siblings, but all she wanted was sleep and not to worry about taking care of them, it made her understand why her adoptive parents needed the cruise.

At arrivals, Amara bobbed up and down as the passengers came out and were greeted by loved ones; it wasn't long before she caught sight of Mr. and Mrs. Hallfield. They looked equally happy to see her; they brought her in a big hug while Mrs. Hallfield fussed over Amara.

"Look at you, so grown up; I missed you so much, Amie!" Mrs. Hallfield said.

"I've missed you too!" Amara said.

Amara helped them with their luggage and walked them to the car, she put their bags in the boot of the car, and they all hopped in.

"I need to pick up Daniel and Kade from the hospital before we head home," Amara said.

"Hospital?" Mrs. Hallfield exclaimed.

"Daniel broke his arm this afternoon, Kade took him but had to leave his car at the mechanics," Amara explained.

"My poor baby!" Mrs. Hallfield said.

"Kade is with him, I'm sure he's fine," Mr. Hallfield said.

"Tell me about your cruise," Amara said.

Mrs. Hallfield told Amara about their adventures, occasionally looking back at Mr. Hallfield for him to agree with her on how lovely things were. Amara was happy that they had such a fantastic time, but she felt somewhat jealous. She had never gone abroad and always wondered what it would be like to go away on vacation.

"I heard you and Kade are getting along," Mrs. Hallfield said.

"Yeah, he's been a big help the last month," Amara said.

"He told us he wanted to take you on a date," Mrs. Hallfield said with a smile.

"A date?" Amara laughed nervously, "Kade and me! Wouldn't that be weird?"

"Not at all, you're already like a daughter to us, we'd love that, wouldn't we, dear?" Mrs. Hallfield turned to her husband.

"That's exactly what's weird about it," Amara mumbled.

Daniel and Kade were waiting for them at the front entrance, Amara pulled over and waited for them both to get in. Daniel was excited to see his foster parents, so much so that Daniel talked the entire journey home. Whenever Amara glanced at the rear mirror, she caught eyes with Kade; every look made her temperature rise.

When they got home, Daniel was the first one out; he ran inside to show everyone his cast. Mr. and Mrs. Hallfield offered to cook for Kade, but Kade declined, saying he had work in the morning and had to prepare. His eyes met Amara's once more before he turned to go home.


A/N: Whoooo! Chapter five :D imss so pleaaaaaaaaaseds!!! Cants wait to release mores >.< lemme know whatcha thinks! If you loves it don't forgets to comment, vote, add to reading list and follows<3

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