Chapter 4

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A few days passed by and Amara had avoided talking to Kade, claiming to be tired, or not well. She felt she had been able to dodge his presence, but it had all been luck so far. The night before her foster parents were due home, she was about to make her excuses to Kade and go to bed. All of the kids were sound asleep, so it was an appropriate excuse for him to leave.

"Not so fast," Kade grabbed Amara's hand.

Kade brought the girl onto his lap and wrapped his right arm around her back and across her waist. Amara felt surprised by his sudden abrasiveness.

"You need to be little," Kade said.

"What do you mean little?" Amara asked.

"I want to give you the childhood you never had, I want to protect you, punish you," Kade explained.

"That's a bit of a contradiction," Amara frowned.

Kade's free hand travelled her body, taking in nearly every inch of her until he got to her pants, he leaned into her ear and whispered, "not at all, princess."

Amara shivered as his breath tickled her neck. She felt his tongue trace the side of her neck, which made goosebumps appear on her arms. He noticed.

"Are you cold?" He teased her.

She ignored him and focused on his touch, his free hand had found the top of her pants. He traced his finger along her pants and slipped his hand in. Amara gasped and instinctively put her hands over his, she looked at him.

"Say no if you don't want it," Kade said.

Amara bit her lip while his hand edged closer to her slit, he trailed his finger along it making her jump, she was overwhelmed by the new sensation. Amara couldn't tell if he were going slow with her, or teasing her. The wait for what he was going to do next made her want it more.

Seconds went by, but it felt like minutes for Amara, until Kade enter a finger inside her. Her lips parted as his finger slowly curled to tap her walls. He gave her neck sweet butterfly kisses while his finger explored inside her.

A second finger entered Amara, making a moan escape her mouth. Her hands were still on his, she could feel the movement of his hand as he pleasured her, which turned her on even more. Kade felt his patience leave him as he steadied her and tightened his grip around her, he pushed his fingers deeper inside and pounded at her walls harder.

Amara moaned loudly, her hands jerked towards her mouth to stop her from making too much noise. Her muffled moans made Kade go faster, it wasn't long before he felt her walls squeeze his fingers, Amara was close, so he stopped and pulled his hand away from her.

Amara gave him an agonising look as she caught her breath, she lowered her hands from her mouth while her chest heaved up and down, "why did you stop?"

"Beg me for it," a smirk crept on Kade's face.

"What?" Amara laughed.

"I want you to say, please make me cum, daddy," Kade cooed in her ear.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to say that," Amara huffed.

"If you're going to pout, I'll spank you," Kade said in a stern voice.

Amara pushed herself from his lap and turned away from her with her arms folded, "you're being ridiculous."

Kade let out a sigh as he got off from the couch, and stood behind her. He wrapped his muscly arms around her, but Amara was determined not to melt into his grasp, no matter how much she wanted to. It was sinful.

Kade bent down and whispered in her ear, "do you not want me?"

That question made her heart pound. All she wanted to do was scream yes, but something in her mind stopped her. It was what other people would think. What would her family and friends think of this relationship? It wasn't just the 18 year age gap, but he was the biological son of the people who took her in. How could this ever feel right?

Kade could feel his heart sink, he realised her silence was her answer, he turned to leave, "I see."

Amara listened as his footsteps reached the door, she wanted to tell him to come back, to hold him, but she stayed silent. The door opened, then closed. Amara was alone; she brought her hand to her cheek to discover tears had slipped out her eyes without her noticing. She twirled around hoping to see him standing there, but he wasn't. After a short consideration she ran over to the door to run after him, but reconsidered as soon as her hand touched the handle.

"What am I doing?" Amara quietly asked herself.

With the door locked, Amara dragged herself up to her bedroom, being careful not to creak a floorboard. She slowly closed her bedroom door, and threw her clothes off. She felt hot, sweaty and a little wet.

The fresh pyjamas that she had washed earlier felt comforting against her skin, when she was ready for bed, she got under the covers. The soft cotton consoled her. She felt safe in bed, but she had also felt safe in Kade's arms.

Amara closed her eyes and hoped sleep would come for her quickly, but that didn't happen. She tossed, and turned, before she gave up and check her phone. It was 2am. Amara exhaled heavily. If she wasn't going to sleep, she might aswell research this daddy stuff that Kade kept talking about.

She opened the internet browser on her phone and googled daddy kinks, it wasn't long before she found something appealing to her. It was called Daddy Dom Little Girl, or DDlg for short. All of a sudden she had gone from desiring to be a mature grown up woman, to Kade's little girl. She thought back to when Kade told her to be little, this must have been exactly what he meant.

It was almost like a lightbulb had switched on in Amara's head, her world had been widened dramatically. She wanted to learn more, and hoped Kade would help her.


A/N: ohhh meee ohhhh myyyy... is it getting steamy in her?! D: I think it iiiiiiiiiiisssssssss! I wonders what's gonna happen next >.> BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!

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