The Tutor ↠ Lashton

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8:07 A.M.

"hi, can i talk to the principal?" liz asked the front office.

"sure thing, just give us a second to transfer your call to her office."


"yes, this is luke's mom, liz and my son is doing horrible in social studies and i was hoping for luke to be able to get a tutor to help raise his grades. i'll pay the kid that has to tutor him twenty dollars."

8:52 A.M.

"ashton, the principal would like to see you for a brief minute. would you go up to the office to talk to her?" ashton's teacher told him, after calling him up to her desk.

"uh, sure. may i ask what for?"

"i don't know ashton, but if i did i'd let you know." the teacher responded.

ashton then said a thank you before rushing to the main office nervously, racking his brain on what he could be needed for. he didn't do anything wrong in the last few months so the anticipation was killing him.

after a minutes walk, he arrived at the principal's office and took a seat in front of the principal herself.

"now ashton, you don't have to worry. you're in no trouble at all, i just have a few issues with another student that i thought you'd be able to help with." the principal explained.

ashton let out a sigh of relief knowing he was never in trouble but wondered what he was needed for. "what can i help with?"

"do you know luke hemmings?" she asked.

"yeah, he's the most popular kid in school."

"okay, well he hasn't been doing very well in social studies and his mother is very displeased at that. now, i checked your grades and i've noticed you have a ninety-eight in that class. so i was hoping you would tutor him for the weeks necessary."

"um i'm not too sure. he doesn't seem like the person to handle tutoring - or the tutor himself very well." ashton explained, slightly laughing but very nervously. he's just very worried that if luke refuses to be tutored and still has to go that he might take it out on ashton or have his friends beat him up.

"luke's mom already offered you twenty dollars each time you tutor him so you'd get cash out of this." the principal said.

ashton sat there, weighing out his choices. if things did go wrong he'd always have his friend calum that would plan revenge on them if they ever did something to ashton and if things went good, he might not be slammed into the lockers anymore.

"alright, i'll do it."

8:57 A.M.

"luke, the principal wants to see you right away." luke's teacher announced in front of the class. the whole class just filled with 'ooooh's' as luke just smirked and walked out of the classroom.

walking to the office, luke actually got a little scared. sure, he was known for causing trouble but he was never the one to cause it. it was always the people he hung out with that did all the chaos and he just went along with it.

as luke entered the office building, he noticed a boy that was in a couple of his classes leaving. ashley- was it? no, that was a girls name, it must be andrew or alex or something like that, luke didn't care.

"that's funny, a nerd in trouble, what an alliteration." luke laughed while looking at alex.

"you mean an oxymoron?" ashton replied harshly mumbling 'idiot' while walking even faster.

nerds are supposed to correct people like me, right? luke thought. it doesn't matter but for some reason he took it a bit more personal than he usually would.

luke stepped in the principal's office and took a seat.

"luke, we meet again."

"nice to see you again, mrs. principal lady." luke addressed his principal, not knowing her actual name.

the principal sighed but continued anyways. "your mother called this morning and to put it simply, your effort is worse than miley cyrus's downfall. your grades are sinking even lower than the titanic and it seems like you could care less."

"so?" luke asked, oblivious to the situation.

"so? this means you'll need to be tutored. your mom already took the time in paying your tutor twenty dollars to help you get your grade up. we found a student in some of your classes that would be willing to tutor you and this means going to the library everyday after school for an hour until necessary. his name is ashton and he's very smart."

luke thought this over for a little. it's just one hour everyday, and plus he never liked hanging out with his 'friends' so this is a good excuse to get out of being with them.

"okay, i'm fine with it."

2:30 P.M.

ashton's last hour was study hall so he just stayed in the library instead of leaving right away, waiting for luke.

luke actually made an effort to get to the library pretty fast to get away from all the people wanting his attention. luke didn't actually know the person tutoring him, all he knew was his name was ashton. maybe ashton was nice and wouldn't judge him on what his school classified him as. that's all he really wanted. someone who looked past what everyone knew him as and actually got to know him.

so, as luke was walking to the library with his social studies notebook and textbook in his backpack, he fixed his red hat that was placed on top of his head. he just wanted to make a good impression.

ashton was the only person in the library, besides the librarian so he sat in on of the back tables, his back facing the door.

luke walked in one minute later and saw one person in the very back and made his way towards the boy and sat down.

"alex? i thought ashton was my tutor?" luke spoke.

"i am ashton."

"oh yeah."

"do you have a laptop because there's an essay due in a week about world war two and the people that fought in it and it needs to be typed, not written." ashton questioned luke.

"yeah, i do. lemme just get it out." luke said, while leaning over to his backpack getting his laptop out.

ashton watched luke carefully. luke wasn't mad at all about this. he seemed quite happy and this confused ashton. as luke brought his laptop out, ashton started giggling at what his laptop case was.

"monkeys? seriously?" ashton asked luke, still looking at the green colored case with multiple monkeys and bananas on it.

"monkeys are cool." luke replied, his cheeks turning red.

"yeah, for third grade animal projects."

so this is a story i got from a Tumblr text post attached above. i thought it would be really cute so i hope you enjoy it. -Lexi

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