Sam Wilson x Khadijah Donovan Imagine #1: I've Been Waiting

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Note: Khadijah Donovan is an OC of mine for a Sam Wilson fic I will be doing in the future, in the very near future. This was a tumblr ask sent in so I just combined the two together with an idea I was gonna do anyway. Enjoy!
Another day, another chance to get my weight up in training. Normally I'd train with Natasha, but she's on a mission with the Black Widows so I had the studio to myself.

I've only been at the compound for about a few years, 2 tops be exact, and the team feels like a family. I haven't been a full Avenger yet and there's one person in particular who I think is afraid to actually talk to me.

When it came to Sam, he was scared to even talk to me because I'm the head honcho's daughter. But now he's always around, shamelessly trying to flirt and tries to spar with me but the timing is always off. Especially after the whole civil war epidemic and my training with the Dora's in Wakanda. He was one of the few people that I could see myself hanging out with outside of work. Some could even say I might have feelings for the man, but that's neither here nor there.

Doing my sets on the punching bag, making it swing a few times against the force of my hits, I felt an uneasy presence in the room. Without looking I roundhouse kicked my leg and was met with a smiling Sam, seeing as though he caught my leg.

"Wilson, you know better than to sneak up on me like that."

Dropping my leg, he chuckled and shook his head. "Donovan, you know me better than that. Besides I like watching you squirm. Figured you'd need a partner."

"In sparing? You know I can kick your ass right?" Arching a brow in disbelief I chuckled dryly, crossing my arms over my chest. I then went back at the punching bag, until I heard his remark.


"What? You of all people, don't think I can kick your ass?" Abruptly stopping my sets, I looked in his direction as he'd tape his hands up.

"I know you can't, Donovan. I'd like to see you try though." His hands were up in defense. "Hit me."

"Sam I don't want to hurt you."

"Don't worry sweetheart, you won't. Hit me." That struck a nerve.

"Alright fine. Where do you want me to hit you?" Popping my neck a bit, I rolled my shoulders and got into position.

He pointed to the left side of his face. "Right here. Try it- ouch! I wasn't ready what the hell!" I punched him in that spot, catching him off guard.

"Pay attention. Never let your guard down, Wilson."

He eyed me gently, getting into position again. "This time imma block it. Hit me in my chest, maybe you won't- fuck!" I sent a swift kick to his right pectoral, sending him flying straight back onto the mat.

"Told you to be ready. Keto your eyes sharp and attention alert." Snickering at him while offering a hand to help him up, but outta nowhere he pinned me to the mat.

The triumphant smirk on his handsome face, was one for the books. He was straddling my waist, having both of my hands locked with his just staring into my eyes like a mad man.

"Damn you got some pretty eyes."

What was he doing? This must be a distraction tactic because I haven't gotten a compliment in years. If I did I would always block them out and continue working. Time to use the training Natasha taught me.

"You think so? My mother says when the sun hits them, it's like there's specks of gold in them." The sound of my voice was like a siren calling out to a sailor at sea.

I somehow managed to slip one leg out from under him, without him noticing.

"She ain't lying, they're really are pretty." He was in a trance, a deep one at that. Perfect time for me to maneuver my way out from under him.

"Yes they are." With a swiftness I slipped from under him, sent a swift kick to make him land flat on his back pinning him down instantly.

When he finally came to he chuckled and tried to get up. "You're fast. I like you." He jumped up quickly and tried to grab me, but I was too quick.

"Nice try Wilson. But I will always be one step ahead." We were circling each other now, like a couple of hungry lions engaged in war.

A sudden shift in the room caused Sam to lick his lips seductively. This fool here.

"Teach me something."

"Like what?" Curiosity got the better of me, as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He sucked his teeth, checking me out. "The head scissors."

"You want me to wrap my thighs around your head and yank you down?"


Chuckling a bit with a sigh. "You've dreamt about my thighs around your head before haven't you, Wilson?"

"Many times Donovan, many times."

Blocking each other's hits and blows, flipping each other over our shoulders, and landing on one feet each time, I was getting ready to do what he wanted. That was until he had me pinned against his chest.

He whispered gently in my ear. "Look at you, the little spitfire taking charge everywhere." He made me look at us both in the mirror and kissed my neck a little. "Did you just squirm? Oh sweetheart got a thing for me huh?"

I elbowed him in the gut hard, twisted his arm and did the head scissor with a swiftness. "No I did not, and no I don't Sam." This time I straddled his waist and was at eye level with him, pinning him down.

The shift came back and I don't know what happened, I just kissed him. There was no spell, no enchantment, nothing. It was as if I wanted to kiss him and part of me did. I was shocked when he kissed me back to be honest, because I never thought he would. His lips were softer than I thought they were, and his hands were firmer too as they squeezed my hips in the process

"Hey Khadi I'm back. We can- oh shit my bad." The sound of Natasha's voice caused us both to separate fast and scramble to our feet. "Tony and Stephan! You boys owe me $60 each!"

The collective noise of groans could be heard from down the hall as I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. Natasha sent a wink in my direction before heading down for debriefing.

"So, that kiss was something." Sam's voice got my attention this time.

"Uh yeah it was. Listen I can understand if you don't want to be around me."

"Not be around you? Khadijah I've been trying to get your attention since you've been here." His confession threw me off my game but I felt a genuine sense of pride.

"Wait really? So you're into me? The director's daughter?"

"Fury's daughter or not, I have always found you attractive girl." Placing a sweet kiss on his cheek, I headed out the training room with my bo staff in hand.

I left him dumbfounded, which was my plan all along. "So is that a yes to a date or?"

"Let's just say, you gotta work for it Wilson." Sending a wink and a smirk in his direction before I kept walking, I knew this was gonna be a fun ride.

He chased after me to catch up, thus draping his arms across my shoulder. "Hey! I just realized you called me Sam a while ago, and not Wilson. I'll work for it, trust me."

"I don't doubt it bird brain."

"Right back atcha, fire bender."

A very fun ride indeed.

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