Chris Evans x Roxie Alexander My First, My Always

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As Kids:

It all started when they were younger, about 8 and 9, they were inseparable. What began as a long and beautiful friendship expanded into a tight bond, a bond that can never be broken. What made Roxie kiss Chris first in the 3rd grade was that he shared his box of crayons with her. The big Crayola 64 count box, with the built in sharpener, she was over the moon "in love" with him and no one could tell her otherwise.

She made sure everyone knew that Chris was her "boyfriend" and no one else could have him. It was sharing time and Roxie didn't have any crayons because, everyone took the boxes and paired off which made her sad.

"Uh Roxanne, you can share with me if you want?" Chris' tiny but mighty voice helped ease her pain of not being able to color, in her Jungle Book coloring book. With a sweet smile, she nodded and say next to him.

"Thank you, Christopher. You can call me Roxie."

"Ok, Roxie it is. You can call me Chris."

A gleam in her eye sparkled as she came up with an idea. "Ok! Oh can I give you something since you've been so nice to me?"

"Uh yeah sure." Chris looked up from his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles coloring book, and was shocked when Roxie gave him a quick kiss. His cheeks were flushed in embarrassment, the whole class oohed and awed at the action and it made Roxie giggle.

"I like you Chris."

"I like you too Roxie."

After all that happened, their teacher called both their parents in for a conference to discuss what happened during coloring time. It was a surprise to Mrs. Farwinkle, that both Lisa and Monica were also childhood best friends and vowed to stick together no matter what. Even when it came to their kids and marriage as well.

"Thank you for your concern Mrs. Farwinkle but, it was a sweet gesture from my daughter." Monica, Roxie's mom, reassured the middle aged woman that it was ok and kinda cute actually. The pair was getting ready I head home and finally relax.

"See? No harm done, it was just an innocent kiss amongst new friends." Lisa smiled and nodded in agreement, as she walked with her son towards the door to head home.

"Well, since you both have an understanding about it. I guess it's no issue then. Thank you ladies for coming in." Bidding the two moms a fond farewell, Lisa and Monica chuckled gently as they headed towards their cars.

"So dinner tomorrow night right? Andre is making pasta salad and I have the red velvet cake." Monica asked after strapping Roxie in her car seat.

Lisa nodded enthusiastically. "Yes ma'am. Gorton and I will be there tonight. Why don't we have the kids get together?"

"That could work. Getting them all together at whatnot and bonding. Just like we did growing up."

"Sounds good. See you tonight."

As the mothers drove to their perspective homes, the kids were fast asleep due to the soothing feeling for the car. Little did they know that this was just the beginning.

As Teenagers:

"Roxie! What are you doing? We gotta go to Lauren's party."

"But what about the chemistry exam we have in a few days?"

The bond never broke at all, and these two stuck like superglue by any means necessary.

"Oh come on, live a little. You've been studying all weekend, let's go have fun. You've earned it."

"Ugh fine."

Growing up together, made them both appreciate the power of their friendship and how strong it was to keep it. Despite the fact that they both have had small crushes on other people here and there, they managed always come back together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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