Chapter 17-Meeting

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Andrew's POV

In less than an hour after Alice got the call from Enrico the first knock on the door was heard. Then the door bell started ringing. I voluntered to go open the door. Enrico and Otis stood in the doorway smiling at me. God sometimes they scared me.

I heard from Vlad that Enrico is Alice's uncle and thats he is the only family left that she has since Enrico is Alice's dad's brother.

Continuing with the fact that Otis and Enrico just arrived. Otis looks exhausted, dark circles surround his eyes. As for Enrico he looks polished and okay. Alice descends from the stairs to greet her uncle and Otis.
"The Council has been assembled. Now all we need if for everyone to get here." stated Enrico. "We told everyone two days in advance about the meeting. Be prepared for a full house. Also James has been looking for you Alice, he is still interested in you."
After Enrico finished the sentence Alice froze and a her eyes darkened. I guess this James guy has a bad history with Alice. She then looks at the door and her brown eyes flash an iridescent blue. Vlad notices too and looks with a questioned face as Alice makes her way to the door that opens before she even had a chance to open.

At the mention of his name I knew I was screwed. I never thought that James was still looking for me. Not after leaving him, after all the harm that he did to me. The fact that he almost killed me..... And my brother Mitch, I haven't told anyone about Mitch and his whereabouts. I know he is in the area. He took that flight here from England.
I'm here, would you get the door? P.S I sense more vampires in the area.....

Mitch is here, he actually arrived very fast.
I'll be there in a sec...
I went to the front door and before I could open the door. The door opened and there he stood my twin brother Mitch. He is actually a couple inches taller than me considering I'm 5'8. Mitch has my mothers eyes while i have the brown eyes from my dad, we both share the pale ivory skin. We both where born vampires. His hair is light brown covered with small melting snowflakes. My hair is dyed black. We dont look the same but we are twin siblings after all...
"Alice, it's been a while...." he does not finish the sentence instead he steps in and gives me a bone crushing hug. He is too strong to be that lanky.

He closes the door and looks at everyone in the living room.
"Your boyfriend looks nice by the way.." Mitch jokes.
I feel my self blush and punch Mitch in the arm playfully.

"Alice who is this?" Vlad looks at me.

"Everyone this is my twin brother Mitch, he is also half vampire half human."
My uncle Enrico goes up to Mitch and hugs him. He then tells him something in Italian and they start laughing uncontrollably. Mitch greets Otis with a firm hand shake but gets pulled in for a bro hug. He shakes Vlad's hand awkwardly but smiles at him.

Mitch then continues saying hi to Kristof, Andrew and Sprat.

"Theres more people in the house. Are they your drudges?" Mitch asks. "No, they are friends of mine that also know about Elysia so they are a no no.. But here lets go and meet them." I told Mitch.
I motioned him and Vlad to follow me up the stairs to the room where Henry and Joss where staying at.
When we got to it I knocked on the door and Henry opened the door peeking half his face out. "The blood donors are not in service right now. Please leave food and video games. No messages accepted." He said in a failed attempt to mimic a voice mail recorder.
"Oh common Henry, I want you to meet someone." I chirped in.

"Fineeeee." he whinned and with that the door opened and the three of us entered the vast room. Joss was sitting on a ebony colored couch next to a mahogony table. As ususal he was reading a book and at his feet layed his Vampire Slayer pack. He was calm and tranquil.

In the other hand Henry, was now looking at us and most likely wondering who the new guy was.

"Henry, Joss. I want you guys to meet my twin brothert Mitch. He is going to come in play a lot from now on. And yes, he is a vampire too." I told them

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