Chapter 8 [Edited]

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Chapter 8

'Guuuuuuuuuuuys.' I dragged out the word until everyone looked up.

'We want to go see London!' Lexi finished for me. I'm so glad she's my best friend. She literally understands my needs. 

'Then go with someone else. I'm still eating.' Niall waved his hand. He was eating a burger after his peri-peri chicken. The kid can eat a whole cow and still be hungry. 

'Hurry up, Niall! It's almost 12:30 and we need to explore London!' I almost screamed. Which caused people all around us to snap their heads up. I ignored them but I was trying to stifle a grin. Just then Luke came up to our table. 

'Rose, you need to quiet down. People are starting to complain.' Luke told me and I saw a whole lot of people glaring at me. I blushed a bit. 

'Oops.' I whispered and Luke just chuckled while he walked away. 

'Is that the guy you met?' Liam asked me, narrowing his eyes. 

'Yeah, why?' I asked, furrowing my eyebrows at his expression. 

'How come he gets to call you Rose?' Louis pouted. 

'You call me Rose anyway, Lou.' I argued back, rolling my eyes. 

'Truuuue, but they don't.' He gestured to the rest of them. 

'Because they actually listen to me, unlike you.' I remarked. 

'I do listen to you.' Louis prostested. 

'Not when I need you to do something.' I retorted. 

'Why aren't we allowed to call you Rose?' Harry asked me. 

'Because we're not exactly friends, yknow.' I sighed. 

'So we have to literally ask the question like kindergarten to be friends with you?' Zayn asked as he narrowed his eyes.

'No. You don't have to ask me. It's a looooong story to explain.' I sighed. 

'Don't push her, guys.' Lexi whispered. And I silently thanked god for her presence in my life.

She knows absolutely everything that's gone on in my life. She knows about the friendships, the break ups and the troubles. Even though I've only known her for three years, it feels like she's been there my entire life. She knows when I'm lying, if I'm serious, if I'm upset, if I just want to be alone. She basically reads my mind and vice versa. Except my life is more f*cked up than everyone else's. Yet, I still land parts for movies. My life has the more retardest and saddest moments than anyone can live through. 

I heard mumbled sorrys and we all found Niall finishing the last bite of his food. 

'Done!' He screamed. Everyone sat there, very awkwardly without saying a word. I looked at everyone and sighed. I guess I'm the one who has to say something.

'Good. Now lets work off all the fat by site seeing. Come on lazy asses!' I grinned, getting off my seat and walking towards the door. 

I heard them all sigh and i heard the screeching noises of the chairs as the got up. I felt an arm around my waist and I looked up at Harry with a questioning look.

‘He’s still here.’ He whispered in my ear and I nodded. We walked out of the restaurant and into the warm London air.

‘No taking cars. We have to walk.’ Lexi said as soon as we stepped out. Everyone agreed and we all walked around Nando’s. 

‘So, where are we off to?’ Lexi asked, looking around to the boys.

‘Erm, oooh let’s go on that!’ Niall squealed pointing to big red double deck bus with an open top across the road.

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