Prologue - Right Off the Bat

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This novel is based off my RPG in development (, possibly the first ever quick transmigration game series? :D The game has multiple endings but the novel will loosely follow the "true" route, the route our protagonist will most likely take without the gamer's influence. Majority of the series will have little to no romance.

If you are new to this, quick transmigration or "fast wear 快穿" is a trope where a soul enters different bodies (transmigration), usually from different worlds. There tends to be goals such as fulfilling said body's last wish, the purpose of the system, etc. and after the completion of these goals (if any), the soul would move onto the next body.

WARNING: This series contains elements of horror, gore, violence, mild cussing, death, homicide and other mature, triggering and/or disturbing themes.


There was a moment in every life when a being knew it was time. It might arrive without warning like an off-season hurricane, or it might set off alarm bells in its wake. Ultimately, the course it took was of little import as it couldn't be stopped. And that moment, for her, had come.

Even with an impaired vision, she could see the beautiful stretch of blue above, scattered pieces of white drifting ever so idly like all was well with the world. Which, it was. The planet would continue its revolutions. The birds would continue their warble. Her presence... or absence, mattered not.

So when the heavens turned not the slightest gray, the clouds shed not one tear for her, she knew it was time.

To give up.

A young woman laid on the ground, in the company of rustling grass, singing avians and distant sounds of moving water. The scene could be described as serene were it not for the limbs splayed out at her sides, contorted at such impossible angles they could almost be a work of art. Cuts and gashes lined a forearm, impressively still attached to a hand with long, mangled ends.

On hindsight, there would be a great deal less pain had she let nature take its course (and make her a prettier corpse). But in a losing bid for survival, her fingers had grabbed at the rock surface, stupidly attempting to find purchase to oppose gravity. Of course, some accursed crags decided to pop their ugly heads and gorge good portions of her flesh on the way down.

How long had it been...? She could only hope that the blood drained faster, or that a broken bone found its way into a vital organ. Her ideal death was a meaningful one, far from this sham she'd leave a 0 out of 5 stars review for. A real pity, she had yet to find...

\Test, test, am I getting through?\

Did my head get hit? I'm hearing things.

It was either that or admit she'd gone crazy from impending death distress and gained a robotic-with-a-tad-of-screech voice in her head as a result.

\Connection established!\

\You there, human, want to live?\


\Affirmation obtained—\

By then she was positive she'd gone nuts. But just as well, for her breath was getting so shallow, a stout infantfish wouldn't be able to swim in it.

\Commencing synchronisation with target. 10... 40... 90... 100%.\

\Synchronisation complete.\

And before she could try and cut through the fog in her mind, to decipher the situation, her senses shut down completely.

\I wish you safe travels.\

\Can't have you dissipating so soon, after all.\

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