1.6 - Let Sleeping Bats Hang

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Pale lashes fluttered apart as though to signal the end of a long slumber. When Ruxin realized the heavy gloom wasn't the inexhaustible void she had been used to, but sections of velvet, she pulled the drapes aside.

Beyond the bed—which she realized her body was perched on—was a bleak room in black and nude pink. The only splashes of vibrance were some unidentified objects on the bookshelves and table, and a tall potted plant under a wall lamp. Even the midday rays from the row of windows on one wall couldn't chase off the gloom.

It certainly wasn't the bedroom in her family home with DVDs lining its sides. And it most certainly wasn't the bare but luxurious hotel room she stayed the night before the inevitable demise...

"Have I escaped? Where is th—" Her head hit the pillow hard.

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"Please, stop, my liege! Your body can't hold on much longer."

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If they were waves lapping intermittently at the shore before, now the memories came in the form of a raging tsunami.

"Ngh...!" Pallid fingers rubbed similarly pale temples wearily.

—You mustn't faint.

Ruxin gnashed her teeth at the irritating voice. Vois, yes. It was Vois. She grabbed the bedsheets in an attempt to anchor herself.

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"Silly girl, the crown has always been yours. This is the wish of your parents... no, of us all, Your Majesty."

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Childhood. Adulthood. Parenthood. Echoes of centuries slam into her like an unbridled wave, leaving an impression of her head being thrashed like a plastic bottle in the ocean.

Not that a certain system cared ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

—Vois: You mortals sure love your questions! I'll kindly answer 3 of them.

... Much generous.

Ruxin sat up with difficulty and leaned against the headboard. There was no doubt in her that the accursed voice would refuse to provide her any information if she let this opportunity slip.

"First off, fill me in on the situation."

—Vois: I said this before; you were chosen as a Placeholder.

—Placeholders are inserted into different worlds to complete missions. For smoother assimilation, they usually inhabit a native and inherit their memories.

A translucent cyan screen took shape before Ruxin. What's this? A hologram? She stretched a hand out and it went through the box.

Save the Alcmene Clan!


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