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          That night, after packing for the trip, Alec, sat with Rylee's recordings after putting down the head of a fast asleep Sarah. It was always the same routine, but watching her do those boring chores never tired him out, rather he looked forward to them after his rushed days in Rexter's office, fruitful or unfruitful business meetings, Sarah's spoiled behaviour, Mr. Watson's unreasonable pressure and a lot of other problems that marred his life.  Among all these, Rylee brought a bout of fresh air. He knew, what he was doing was beyond stalking, heck, he would be arrested if someone reported him and all his efforts in building up the career he was so proud of, would crumble to dust. Yet, he didn't know what black magic that little woman performed on him that he was completely whipped. It might be that among his lifestyle of fake smiles and concerns, Rylee's cute awkwardness tickled his heart, and he was completely relishing this new found habit.

My dear, how I wish to hold you in my arms every night while you keep your head on my lap and we tell each other about our day... How I wish, I was a common man slaving away for my employer, just like your husband; then you wouldn't have been so far despite being so close to me...


          I bounced (mentally) upon my seat all the way to Antofagasta. Due to my excitement, when the tiring 13 hours flight breezed by, I couldn't detect. We were taken to a hotel in there. The next morning, we were to visit the digging spot. We could always take a bus to San Pedro de Atacama, but our intended destination was rather remote, and helicopter seemed to be the best way to transport the visitors in there. Due to an evening flight, we arrived at Antofagasta in morning and had a whole day to relax and travel around if we wished. I preferred to languish in my assigned room, resting as much as I could, for we were going to a deeper part of the desert, and we had no idea how we would be living, regarding our sponsor's arrangements. Thus, according to my plans, I took a bath as soon as I reached my room and fell face first on the bed, not bothering to check upon the other girl who was assigned with me. The leaders of the project, Prof. Sol, Prof. Mackenzie and the head of the linguistics department, Prof. Bard, were super cautious, super nagging, and super boring, they tortured us with their endless lecture on dos and don'ts like inform them while going out, come back within 10:00 pm, while living in the desert, don't go out in the sand on your own, keep close to the leaders, take precautions to avoid heat stroke, use water wisely, and so on.

          I didn't know what time it was when I was ruthlessly awaken from my slumber by the callous scraping of my ringtone on my eardrums. Groaning, I didn't bother to check the caller ID and directly pressed the phone on my ear:

" It better be something important otherwise, I'm going to get into the phone and punch you hard till you remember your eighteenth ancestor! "

" That... Sounds pretty violent Rylee, even for me. " — a well known voice chuckled on the other end.

" M- Mr. Rhodes? " — I jumped up straight in a sitting position, my sleepiness long flown out of the window, " How did you – "

" Kris wanted me check up on you. I am one of the sponsors of this project. "

          That meant he was here. But, if it was a good thing or not for me or my mission, was incomprehensible for me.

" Oh, you can tell him that I'm fine and the arrangements are pretty good so far, if you please.. "

" Later. I've talked to Prof. Bard, you  are coming out for a dinner with me. Hurry. "

That — was fast.

And what's with that attitude? It's you who is dying for this dinner. Who the heck are you to order me, and I would, in no way, have accepted this proposal if not for the mission.

" If you were not here for the mission, Rylee would have thought of it as a order from her husband's boss and attended it surely, host. "

It's been a while Osho, I missed my talking brain. (・ิω・ิ)ノ

" I'm an AI, don't pollute me making my connection to your average intelligence. "

Thanks but no thanks for the annoyance, you successfully ruined my sleep. ( ̄‐ ̄)んー

" ... "

          Getting down from the bed, I saw my roommate still asleep as a log. Looking outside, it was dark already. No wonder I was feeling hungry. I missed lunch after all. Splashing some water on my face, I discarded my sleepwear and slipped a jeans and a loose Spongebob t shirt. It might be a date for him, but I would be present only for the sake of my mission. Dropping a message to inform Prof. Bard, I arrived at the reception while gathering my hair in a messy bun. A man came up to me.

" Ms. Rylee? "

" Yes? "

" Mr. Rhodes is outside, waiting. Please follow me. "

" Sure. Please. "


           Meanwhile, Alec was sweating in nervousness despite the chilling air conditioning in the car. He called her only after the car had parked at the hotel. Hearing her sleepy voice scolding, he felt a tiny bit apologetic for ruining her rest, but as his subordinates reported, she had skipped lunch. She could not go to bed in an empty stomach, not when he was here. After disconnecting the call, his first thought was what would she like to eat. According to what he had learnt, she hated sweet potatoes and tangerines with passion and did not have any specific favourite cuisine. Picky eaters were hard to please, but omnivores were harder. Thus, his heart almost leapt out of his chest when she arrived following a staff barely after ten minutes.

            The man who led the way, brought me to an audi, but I couldn't pinpoint the model, I never was a car enthusiast. He respectfully opened the door and I slipped in. 

Before I could look at the interior or my host for the dinner, I felt my injured right hand being taken a careful grasp, which was slightly shaking. Looking up, I found the handsome man's smouldering silver gaze trained on the bandage. Surprisingly, he was donning a casual white shirt, sleeves folded and a blue acid washed jeans. While you might think he was a bit older to wear these, he managed to look sexier. His black hair was messy, and instead of his usual Omega watch, he was wearing an I- watch.

" Does it hurt? "

Instead of answering I tried to pry my hand off, but he gripped it tighter, but careful enough to avoid the burnt areas.

" No, not as much as yesterday. "
I answered with a defeated sigh.

" Good. " Otherwise, I would have boiled that woman alive.

Sensing the increasing tension in the surrounding, I decided to break the awkward silence. Alec kept caressing my hand probably in an attempt to make me feel better; and I gave up trying to free my hand after some failed attempts.

" Thank you for the dinner... Um I am kind of hungry, I missed the lunch and its dark now.. Hehe. "

" Hm. I reserved a Japanese restaurant. ", I hope it suits your taste.

" No problem. Japanese is good. "

" Hm. "

Why are you grunting like a pig? And let go of my hands!


Hehe, enjoy another chapter! Muah!

I'm resting, getting bored, and writing.

See ya!

~ love,
Aqua Raine.

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