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Aaron couldn't tell if she was dreaming or not. She thought she was, but everything felt too real and all too painful to just be a dream.

She's read about this. Plenty of times before, but not enough to fully understand how this was happening. Not to her at least.

She had woken up with a very hard, very large and very painful erection.

The kind that adolescent boys typically wake up with.

She reached down to her new appendage and poked it through her cotton shorts like she was waiting for it to poke her back. It simply bobbed back at her, still as stiff as it appeared to be and certainly felt.

Aaron flopped her head back down on her pillow and tried to think of anything that could explain this.

Okay. I've woken up with a boner. Some girls have penises, right? But usually they're born with them. How the hell do I suddenly have a penis overnight?

Like most people nowadays, Aaron turned to her night stand and grabbed her phone off the charger. With a few quick searches she found some pages that had to have something that could explain her predicament. At first she only found things that talked about born hermaphrodites and that wasn't what she was looking for. Then she stumbled upon an ask:

'I'm a female but I've suddenly woken up with a penis? Is this normal? I'm afraid to tell my parents or see a doctor. PLEASE HELP.' - anonymous

'maybe you should update when you're not high asf lol.' - johnsavage21

'You sure you didn't just miss it before?' - qtinytalor

'hey handsome.. want to show me your huge dick? Come check out my website for sexy pics and free hookups <3 get. h0ts3x4u/hbgtvb ' -fr3s3x69

'You should tell your doctor.' - simonejacobs2

'UPDATE: No I'm not on drugs, and I think I'd know if I had a penis before. I told my parents and we're taking a visit to the doctor in a few days. ' - anonymous

The update was posted only a week ago. Aaron was very hesitant to ask anything about someone's penis to anybody, but this was urgent. She needed answers. 

She made an account for the website, and left a post after the anonymous poster's update before she could rethink it over. She threw her phone on the bed and decided to focus on how to get rid of the pole in her shorts.

Aaron was well aware that most guys would just, you know.. jerk off to get rid of it. And although Aaron wouldn't ever admit it to a single soul, that was probably the first thing she wanted to do. However she ended up deciding to not be nasty just yet. 

Grabbing a thick pillow, Aaron hobbled over to her door awkwardly, not yet used to the new feeling of having something between her legs.

She slowly opened her door and checked the dark hallway. There wasn't any light coming out of the bathroom or her parents bedroom, and she deemed it safe enough to swiftly get to the bathroom and close the door.

Before she did anything else she wanted to check something. Aaron rummaged around in the cabinets for a while and looked for the hand held mirror she thought was kept in here. It took a while, but she found it in the shower (and didn't want to question why it was in there to begin with).

She reached down for the second time that morning, and lifted her penis while trying to ignore the pulses it sent throughout her body. Using the mirror, she tried to see what she still had left down there.

She didn't know whether to feel upset or relieved when she found an absence of her female genitalia, but a pair of testes to accompany her new friend. 

 I probably won't have periods anymore. Though I have no clue if any of my internal organs are the same either.. What the fuck is happening to me?

She further inspected herself and tried to ignore the panicked thought in her head, that is until she noticed a small mark on the base of her erection that resembled a '+' with a circle in the middle. 

Is that supposed to be some sort of birth mark?  Then again I wasn't born with it ..

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on the door. 

"Uh yeah?" Aaron called to the other side of the door.

"I have to pee." A little squeaky voice she recognized as her little brother's answered her. 

"Okay give me a second. But make it quick Ryan." She quickly gathered the mirror and covered her lap with the pillow. She opened the door and didn't even have the chance to be nervous about awkward questions when Ryan pushed past her and started using the bathroom.  While she wasn't proud of his behavior, she was at least grateful for that.

She hobbled back over to her room and grabbed a towel, a pair of boxers, an over-sized hoodie and some very thick sweat pants. 

Once she heard Ryan get out of the bathroom and close the door to his own room, she crept back into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. In hopes of at least minimizing her issue, she turned the knob all the way to its coldest setting. She distracted herself from touching it and focused on actually washing her body. Soon she was clean, and like she expected, her erection went down and she was completely soft.

Even though her boner went away, she still had a fairly long length. Pulling on her boxers and sweatpants, she tried every which way to position herself so that her new appendage didn't show. It took a second to get comfortable, but she got it so that it didn't look like she had sprouted a penis over night.

She gathered all her things and silently praised whomever for the coincidence that she didn't have any classes today as she went back to her room a lot less nervous than when she had first left. 

She picked up her phone again and saw that the anonymous poster had replied already.

'I have a few questions, though maybe it'd be better to not post them here. Can you PM me?' - curlyloaf16

'I'm posting anonymously for a reason.' - anonymous

Aaron thought they would say something like that.  She didn't know what to tell the person to make them want to talk to her privately. They probably thought she was a creep trying to expose them or something.

Aaron thought for a few moments, then decided to take a shot in the dark. It may be a little revealing on the website, but she just made the account and no one would really know it was her anyways.

'You have a mark that looks like a plus right?' - curlyloaf16

Aaron waited for the anonymous poster for a while, laying about and searching the internet for more possible answers to why in the hell would someone wake up with an unprompted sex change. It was starting to get closer to noon, and 4 hours passed by with no answer from the person. She was starting to get a bit worried thinking they would never reply. If they were the only other person who could explain or even relate to what was happening to her, then she already ruined the chance of getting any answers from them.

Her day went on fairly normal. She started getting used to walking around and her family asked her why she was acting so oddly when she came downstairs for lunch. She readily excused her self, stating that she didn't get enough sleep last night and has to prepare for a big presentation coming up soon. They believed her and she managed to avoid everyone for the rest of the day in her room.

It was starting to get dark again and Aaron made the ultimate decision that if the person doesn't answer, her only other option was to see a doctor. Telling anyone wasn't something she wanted to do, but for all she knew this thing she grew could unknowingly be harming her. It would be awkward to explain, but she could get through this.

Aaron was about to go to sleep, not really knowing what else to do besides carry on like nothing had changed until she heard a notification from her phone. It was a message from a site she visited earlier. She immediately sat up and unlocked her phone to see if the anonymous poster had replied. Instead she got a message:

itsrlewis - 'How did you know that? Who are you?'

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