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Aaron ignored the scent of Chinese food as she stood out in the parking, hoping that Rachel didn't decide to back out of their meeting.

10 minutes had gone by since the initial time they set, then 15, and before Aaron knew it, she'd been sitting in the parking lot for 45 minutes, debating whether or not to just get some food and go home. And she was going to, however a notification sounded from her phone before she could find her wallet.

'where r u?' -itsrlewis

'In the parking lot, where are YOU? I've been here for a half hour' -curlyloaf16

She didn't get a response. Instead, a knock on the passenger's door.

Aaron unlocked it of course, although she was still miffed about the girl being late.

"Where the hell were you? I've been waiting for quite a while!"

"Sorry, I lost track of time. Nice car." Rachel placed an iced coffee in the cup holder and buckled her seat belt.

"Uhm thanks? Its not mine. What were you doing?"

"Some club stuff. Now where are we going?"

"What makes you think we're going anywhere?" Rachel turned in her seat to look at Aaron, giving her an odd glance before taking a slow sip of her coffee.

"I'm not staying in this car with you to look stuff up about mysterious penises."

"Okay, yeah. We do need to go somewhere private and I don't know.. research? I'm sure you've heard of the people going missing lately and having amnesia about even being gone."

"Yeah, I have. Where do you suppose we go? You don't look dangerous and all, but I don't think you'd like to go to my house now would you?"

Rachel ignored Aaron's comment and thought quietly for a moment.

"I'll go to your house. Its not going to look weird if you bring a girl over, right?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You ask a lot of questions, save it for the research okay."

"This is going to be a long afternoon, I can already tell."

"Hush. I don't want this.. thing just as much as you do. I think."

Aaron thought about what she did to her thing earlier in her bedroom and decided to stay silent. They pulled out of the parking lot and soon headed to Aaron's house.

When Aaron arrived home her mom seemed to have left and her dad and Ryan were playing some game on the living room TV. They must've heard them come in because as soon as Aaron closed the door, they both greeted her, not looking to see that she had brought someone with her.

"Hey guys. This is Rachel. We're working on something together, so we'll be upstairs for a bit."

"Oh I didn't even see you there. Nice to meet you, I'm Joseph, welcome to our home." Joseph smiled apologetically and glanced at Rachel, then back at Aaron. "Is whatever you're working on something for school? I can help you." Aaron's father asked, slightly suspicious at seeing a friend other than Jasmine and Dean come over.

"No it's fine, we're just researching."

"Oh? About what?"

"Uhm, the local area?"

"Is that a question?"

"No, its just we.. haven't decided what exactly to choose yet. What with everything happening lately.."

"Ah, yes of course. Have fun, your mom will be home soon and she's bringing Chinese." Glad I didn't buy anything then. "Will Rachel be staying for dinner? I can tell her to bring a little extra."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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