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Jack had finally decided to start his journey towards the village. This awfully long, gruesome journey to an abandoned village which would surely only give him temporary shelter. It almost seemed... pointless as one would say, but he knew that Daisie was in danger and his life didn't matter to him at that moment of time. All he cared about was saving his best friend. That's it.

The thought of the journey didn't bother him that much, as though the fact that he needed to go through a forest. Jack was very intelligent in the mapping part of anything, it seemed completely effortless to him, he mapped up every tree, every pond, lake, shrub, village, anything he could find, he mapped it all and sold it for a very cheap price to help out his old village's guards. In the end he felt betrayed by them. 

For you see, the guard's job was to keep the village safe from the creature's of the Dark Realms. They failed, all of them a failure which left the village to die. Left for slaughter. A shame to say the least. They could have put up a fight at least. But nothing.

As Jack started to pack up his things into his old, rugged bag, he felt a slight touch on his shoulder as something has brushed it or fell onto him. He looked around his empty, cold room; only to find nothing. Not a single living being besides him. He went out of the house.

Then not a second as he stepped out the door...

The Silence Of The Dark RealmsWhere stories live. Discover now