Deja Vu

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Klaus stood aloof against the hard concrete walls trying to mask a scowl of disgust as his sibilings basked in the worthless attention these humans were giving. He was in complete shock as his beloved sister managed to convince him to come to a high school. His face carefully composed was devoid of any emotion as the ridiculous incompetent males desperately tried to gain the attention of his sister rebekah. obviously they were nothing but food for her. why else would she bother with these mindless creatures,  men truly have lost their dignighty after so many centuries. He held back a scoff at the degrading scene as he turned towards Elijah. Elijah had always been the exact opposite of him, always being noble and honouring his words. He loves the company of humans, however that is acheive would forever be a complete mystery to klaus. His insides coiled in repulsion,  as Elijah shook hands with severval of these unworthy humans ,forming acquaintences with them.Rolling his eyes at his foolish brother , his eyes landed on Kol. He smirked to himself as he assessed the ragged attire of kol, his hair was in complete disarray, hands all over the trashy ladies who held on to kol's every word desperate for his affections. Undoubtedly they had thrown themselves over him attracted to the unearthly looks of a vampire, kol did not even had to compell these mindless ladies.He straigtened his poise and subtly let out a low cough that he was sure Rebekah, Elijah and Kol could all hear.They did  as he had expected and looked fustratedly at him as he shot them a look , indicating that he wanted to speak with them. Rebekah blew a kiss before smiling her enchanting smile at the other boys before heading towards klaus, klaus rolled his eyes at his foolish sister that crave for love and attention even for a human however she doesn't object to feeding on her newly accquired boy toys. Not that Klaus should bother because she doesen't really share. Elijah beamed at his newly accquainted friends before departing and strode with ease toward klaus .Kol on the other hand granted the wish of one of the insignificant girls with her hands all over him as he forcefully met her lips in an engulfing kiss, before winking at her and moved towards klaus.

"Brother, not that into the partying mood ? If you hadn't already noticed, this town does serve up a rather fine specimen of ladies if I do say so myself. Why not have at it? How about we do a 40-60 split? 60 percent for me and 40 percent for you, excluding Elijah of course, between you and me , Elijah has the worst dysfuntional moral compass I could ever comphrehend , being all goody goody however some humans like that , I wonder why... But don't warry Elijah thats one of the things I absolutely love about you." Kol drawled at klaus before shoot Elijah a sarcastic smile.

"Brother, one thing I love about you is that you make being a bitch an art form" Klaus smirked at Kol's darkening expression.

"Ouch." Elijah directed at Kol suppressing a small smile on his face.

"Grow a pair and get over it" Rebekah adressed Kol before turning around to face Klaus ," However Brother, Kol has got a point. We cannot risk our identities with these humans around here. You have to associate with them. Simply take it as getting to know your food better ?"

"Beks please be reminded that I am already entertaining your ridiculous requested that I attend high school and as you can see rather clearly I am definitely not enjoying my time here so I suggest you dont push it."Klaus shot Rebekah a sweet scarcastic smile to which rebekah scowled.

"Aw Klausy-kins getting a little teeny temper, why no pretty girls gave you their number yet." Kol , obviously wanting to get back at Klaus teased in a mock babyish voice

"Well brother none that you can see which must be especially hard for you in between legs of women." Klaus retorted smugly loving the reaction on Kol's face, he doesn't know when to stop.

"Well Niklaus , what do you want with us." Elijah always the responsible one brought back the focus.

"Beks, kol , 'lijah dont all of you have this inexplicable feeling of Deja Vu? like we know this place.? Klaus's feautures twisted in confusion.

"What do you mean, Nik ? We havent been here before at all . This was precisely the reason why I chose Mystic Falls." Rebekah anxiously asked . She knew better than to doubt her brother's instincts  

"Nik, come on loosen up a little. Anyway you're the big bad hybrid and we're original vampires meaning that we are fully capable of taking care of ourselves ..." Kol trailed of as another slut shashayed her hips and strutted past " and others too" he finnished eyes trailing her body up and down.

"Nevertheless we must be cautious . Dont do anything foolish  that could risk the exposure of our true identities, that especially meant for you kol. Know your boundaries." Elijah directed at kol seriously.

"Yes daddy 'lijah , I would be good even if its totally crushing my absolutely handsome and alluring personality." Kol answered in a fake angelic tone

"I told you never to call me that!" Elijah whisper yelled

"Yes , Daddy 'lijah , Now i'm hungry so ta ta" Kol sped of to the crowd of human girls.

"I swear Niklaus you should have just kept him daggered." Elijah huffed

"Begining to doubt my sanity now too" Klaus replied

Rebekah gave Elijah a hug and Klaus a kiss on the cheek .

"Well both of you should" she laughed before quickly departing before they could get their hands on her.


Caroline shut off the ignition as her eyes widened in sudden inexplicable fear at the mass exodus of people in front of her , their eyes all seemed transfixed to her car. She mentally slaped herself . Obviously one would stare, it was not exactly the normal average car you would see in a small town like this. Conspicuous would be an understatement. Pulling of her shades , She took a deep breath holding it as she stepped out of her car. The warm golden rays of the sun gently caressed her skin.  For a moment panic overwhelmed her as she feared the onslaught of excruciating pain as she would burn in the sun. However as the intricate designs of her ring reassured her and she quickly recomposed herself as she headed effortlessly and gracefully to the steps of her new start. She tried to bite back a small smug smile as she was well aware that these humans were completely raptured by her unearthly and exquisite beauty. She had not fed for days and her fangs were aching to sink itself into the thin vunerable skin as the exotic rich hot crimson blood gushed into her mouth. She could hear the distinctive wet thudding of the heart pumping fresh hot blood through the veins making her mouth water and her head fill with desire.

Her composed expression shattered when she met his eyes for the very first time

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