Unyielding Love

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Okay I feel I owe a huge apology to those really nice people who has read this little story of mine because I haven't updated in like forever .


"How come care gets to call you "daddy 'lijah" and gets away with it ? Thats Favouritism." Kol complained grumpily.

"Because I say so" Elijah said smugly.

"But I'm your most favorite dashing brother! " Kol protested folding his arms as if to make his emphasis .

"Hush Kol, act your age. We have more pressing matters to look into and not to mention appearances to uphold Rebekah tactfully cut in to prevent the onset of a 'Kol fit' . Rebekah pulled Caroline beside her and guided her towards the high school knowing that her boys would follow. She suppressed a small smirk at the low hiss that Nik let out. He was clearly displeased with Caroline not being at his side.

"Beks so I guess I owe you an apology. I... I.. " Caroline stuttered as years started to well up in her eyes and guilt overwhelmed her. " Care, it's okay . I would have done it too. I understand, hush now don't cry or Nik will have my head. Cheer up love, at least we have each other now."

Caroline looked dumbfounded at Rebekah's forgiving demeanor . And couldn't help but threw herself once again into the embrace of Rebekah.

"If it helps we can go to the mall for some good old shopping after explaining to the boys okay? I'm with you . Okay here take my hand. " Rebekah smiled warmly at care. She finally found herself caring for the baby vampire as though she was her sister. Care immediately took her hand as they approached a secluded spot under the big oak tree.

Caroline took a deep breath to face the men that had she had given her heart to . All her boys looking somewhat scared and concern at her tears that had yet again began to pool in her eyes.

"Nik, Lijah and Kol I've never meant to take away your memories. I'd just wanted to protect you, my only family" she let out a watery smile at her words before continuing ," Esther made me a deal that if I were to leave you , she would grant me your safety. I couldn't bear living each day waiting to hear some devastating news about your deaths..." She trembled at that. " please do forgive me" Caroline 's control broke and large tears started to splash onto the moss covered ground.

In an instant she could feel familiar arm comforting her. She knew who it was as she deeply inhaled his cologne , burying her face deeper into his chest. She could feel his hands slowly stroking through her hair and his voice murmuring softly in her ear

"Nik , I'm so sorry. The past years without you left me so lost in bloodlust and isolation . I murdered people. I'm a monster" Caroline croaked out into his chest.

"Love look at me please" klaus lifted her delicate face to state right into her eyes . "Love , it's okay I'm here for you Elijah and Kol don't blame you . You have us now that's all that matters. We will work it out okay? I love you " klaus could barely contain his emotions crushing his lips with hers once more to seal his point .

"Alert the media, Nik said the three golden words " Kol half heartedly mocked while furiously wiping away his own tears. Caroline turned her head to send a half hearted glare before breaking out in giggles and tackled Kol to the ground . She tickled him relentlessly until he was out of breath.

Heaving heavily she finally got up and gave her daddy Lijah a suffocating hug as he whispered in her ear," I understand care. It's was in the name love" squeezing her back affectionately .

"Oh bother , You guys made me tear up and my mascara is all ruined " Rebekah huffed. Letting out a peal of laughter care hooked her arms with Rebekah announcing that they were heading for the washroom .

Caroline turned back to catch his cerulean eyes watching over her protectively . Her heart had never felt this full in a long time . She blew a kiss

and winked at him intently before Rebekah hauled her into the nearest washroom.


"Beks here is some waterproof mascara ." Care effortlessly took out a shining silver tube handing it to her.

"Well, well what do we have here? The golden duo barbies .oh my gosh how fake does that color actually looks on you bimbos " care turned back in shocked staring at the voluptuous red head and her gang if girls behind her snickering . Care had to suppress a smirk , this girl had clearly messed with the wrong blonde especially beks who was still applying mascara not acknowledging the red head's presence.

"Uh hello? Don't tell me you're as deaf as you're dumb?" Her gang of girls cackled loudly . The red head addressed beks

"Darling you don't want to cross me. Careful dear before I make you grovel for what's your extensions worth. Oh and honey they're real" beks flipped her flaxen hair before hooking Care's arm to exit the washroom elegantly.

"Nik!" Caroline squealed before running into his arms in the middles of the hallway. " love what took you so long? " he grumbled softly .

Care could only laugh as she explained her story of the red head.

Rebekah joined in the story with Kol and Lijah listening intently .

"Beks I don't get why you didn't just kill her" klaus stated

"Nik, no killing ! I mean it." Care slapped his chest in retaliation .

"Fine we will settle things the old school way" Rebekah let out a trademark smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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