The Hunter Exams, Part: 5

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Kite was looking at Ging's hunter card, "Well, everything seems to be a dead end, (Y/N)" He said as he fixed his cap, it had already been a few months since Ging disappeared and left us the task of finding him, "We have limited recourses, why don't we become hunters to have access to more information?" I suggested, "Sounds good to me." He replied, and so we bought tickets to a ship to take us from the island we were on to the next continent, despite the large storm we were quite comfortable as everyone else had gotten sea sick, I closed my eyes temporarily, remembering the time we spent with Ging, when Kite went to get me clothes, he helped me set up terms and conditions.. I didn't want Kite to hear.

 "Hey, wake up, we're here." kite said kindly as her poked my forehead, it seemed I fell asleep thinking about everything. "Right." I replied, for the sake of the trip, Kite gave me his hat to hide my ears, he didn't have to- but he did it so I would be comfortable and so I would be safe. It was a little odd seeing him without it, he never took it off unless it was to be lent to me for awhile. We were told to head to a city by bus, and that the hunter exams were there, but I was able to tell that the man was lying, and voiced that concern to Kite, and that is when he told us to go to the tall pine tree, and so we did. Waiting in the middle of our path was a woman who seemed to have a type of theater set up behind her. She asked me a question, "Your father is dying of an illness and your mother is going to be executed, one for your father, two for your mother." She said, I took a moment to think before I realized that.. none were the right answer and as Kite looked at me, he smiled as if he seemed to get it, the timer was up and we were correct.

I stayed close to Kite, it seemed that my uneasiness had reached him and he put one if his arms around me, "It will be okay." He said as he glanced down at me. His words comforted me enough for me to ease up a little as I rested my head onto him. We then reached a log cabin right by the large pine tree in the center of the forest. When we arrived we could hear screaming so we ran inside, just as the two fox like creatures were about to take off they hesitated enough for me to grow suspicious. It was then when I realized that they were all of the same species, I could tell by their scent, I had to keep them from running off, this was probably another test, I used one of my abilities known as Intimidation, my pupils went from rounded to sharp in an instant as they glowed, my aura raged into a dense miasma, taking the form of a fox like beast many times my own size as it sprouted from me and approached the people, their covers were blown as they all turned into fox like creatures and shivered, as the fox made of aura growled at them. The thing about this ability was to suppress all other abilities by breaking the targets will in an instant, however this image can only be seen by the people affected, this is one of my nen abilities.

The creatures infront of us sweat like crazy as their bodies shuttered. Kite placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "(Y/N)." His words shot through me as I disabled my ability, even I had trouble disengaging Intimidation due to how much focus I put into it, the ones infront of us collapsed onto their hands and knees as they panted, "O-okay- you figured it out- y-you can pass, j-just follow us.." They said as we gave them a moment to recover, many who experience this, relate it to starring death in the face, true terror runs throughout their entire body, telling them to run, but leaves their bodies immobilized with the same intense fear that tells them to run in the first place. "A little too much don't you think?" Kite asked, "My bad, Kite." I said, I suppose I shouldn't have jumped the gun, I acted first instead of thinking, and for this these creatures suffered more than what was necessary. I wouldn't lie to myself, I felt guilty, even though it couldn't really be seen, my ears lowered guiltily, the slight movement in the cap h lent to me showed this, "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it, alright?" He asked as he placed his hand on my head and roughed it up playfully, he always tried everything in his power to make me smile, and it worked every time without fail.

We arrived at the hunter exams, it seems that the others were just a test beforehand, now it was the real deal, we were given each a number and we scouted around a little, seeing who else was there, but mostly kept to ourselves when I felt an unfamiliar hand on my shoulder, "Hey, why don't you ditch this guy and come along with me?" He asked cockily but, before anything else could happen I whipped around, my eyes glowed a reddened hue as my pupil sharpened, Kit could tell my ability was about to activate and grabbed the man's hand on my shoulder, "That's enough." He said, although, I knew those words were meant for me, "I got this, I can't let you upstage me when it comes to protecting you, (Y/N)" He said with a smirk as his grip tightened on the man's arm, and before I could even activate my ability, Kite was able to stop me once more and protect me at the same time, they reverted to normal in almost an instant, the man was obstinate, if he wouldn't have sloughed it off, Kite would have broken his arm for sure, "Fine, let's go." He called his buddies and they dispersed into the crowd of people.

Until Next Time.... My Love... 

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