Crime, Part: 10

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'I was bound to have made a commotion. But.. Kite, do I really deserve your kindness, I just killed someone... does that really make me human.? In anyone's eyes, I don't deserve you, Kite. That much I know, but.. I love you.. and I wont let anything happen to you.' These thoughts rushed through my mind as I looked at my bloodstained hands, there was a river near by that I washed my hands in, but it never felt like it was enough, no matter how much I washed them, they still smelled like- that bastard...! I was starting to rub my skin raw as I started to cry, tears ran down my face as I held myself, bending over the river, I was.. a monster.. and yet he.. still cared.. why? "why?!" I cried out. What would Ging have to say about this, or the chairman? Would I still be the same in their eyes? Of course not. My body shook at the thought of losing everything. I was at war with myself before it started to thunder, and it snapped me out of it. I wiped my tears and stood up. There's no use crying about it now, I have a job to finish. I then continued to make my way towards the pin, "It should have landed... about here.." I could smell the blood of that man, and the pin was lodged in the tree. I pulled it out with ease, seeing my reflection in it, the reflection of a beast.

I had to find Kite before it started raining, I wouldn't be able to find him for a few days. I climbed a tree to the top as I surveyed the area. He wasn't anywhere nearby and if I wanted to catch his scent I would need to be on the ground. I leapt from the tree and landed on the ground, holding the hat to my head. It was starting to lose his scent and that fact made me sad becuase it no longer felt like he was with me. I was starting to feel alone again. I extended my tail outwards as I raised my head in the air at different levels, my nose twitched as I tried to pick up on his scent, hoping the wind would carry it over. I tried in different areas about 50 feet apart from each other until I found it and rushed towards it, swinging from tree to tree until I found him, he was resting in a tree as I tackled him out of it, "Kite!" I said ecstatically, he barely had anytime to react before we hit the ground, "H-Hey, be more careful next time-" He started but before he could finish I was in tears, holding his shirt tightly, "(Y/N)..." He said, he knew something had happened but couldn't tell what. All he could do was hold you closer to him, leaving him in wonder of what happened.

Kite's POV

 I noticed her hands and quickly took hold of her wrist so she couldn't hide it, her hands were rubbed raw in some places, I don't know what happened, but I somewhat had an idea, "What happened?" I asked hiding the pain in m eyes, for (Y/N)'s sake. However she didn't answer and just turned away from me, "I'm sure you had a good reason and I don't know what happened, but if you think I'm going to hate you for it, you couldn't be more wrong." I said, I think I finally got through to (Y/N) that no matter what happens, I will always love her. I wiped the tears from her cheek as she placed her hand over mine and gently squeezed it, closing her eyes and nodding slowly. I held her for a few hours, words weren't really necessary, the comfort of each other was enough to quench the other. I could tell she had calmed down, "Did you get your other pin?" I asked, she nodded and showed me the pin she had gotten, I smiled and we exchanged our pins back, "And you?" She asked as I raised my pin and smiled.

(Y/N)'s POV

After that, both Kite and I had gotten hunters license of our own, still tasked with finding Ging, we traveled into usually  restricted areas, and searched up on the hunters website. But there wasn't a single trace of him. While figuring this out, Kite had founded new species from around the world, even my own. There was nothing about me or my people, other than we were named after a wise fox spirt, all that came up was the lore of that and not my kind. Kite could have gotten a lot of money for making my species known, it would even help us at a cost, but, he didn't, he kept my existence a secret, only letting his most trusted friends see me without his hat on. Those who knew of me and Kite, never saw us apart, they called us the couple of the hunters association, a true tag team. I won't lie, it was embarrassing at times, even a few close calls to my identity being blown, but whenever it came up Kite whisked me away before they could ask anymore questions.

We found out that Ging was form a place called Whale Island, and we visited it, to cover the grounds Kite and I split up, and when we came back I smelled something familiar but different on him, it reminded my of Ging, and I voiced that to him, his reply of how the kid kinda looked like him. But without a lead we left. Eventually we found Ging, at the top of a mountain. It was revealed to us that was Gon, Ging's son. I was surprised Ging ever settled down with a woman at some point. But by the time we separated again we had completely forgot to give him his license back. I scolded both myself and Kite for forgetting something so important, alas he said we would give it to him next time, and not to worry. Although, I was never sure if we would see Ging again, knowing that man's record.

Until Next Time.... My Love...

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