- one, two, three, four

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What kind of happy creatures can turn depressed by the smudging of their face paint and visibly show the death of their souls? Clowns.

The clowns that belonged to Juniper's Ring were recently discovered abandoned in a field in one of the travelling cages meant for the tigers.

Five of them were found. The five of them were jammed into the small cages; sleeping on straw and drinking from troughs. The food they were fed was merely crumbs left behind from the spectators; dropped popcorn, half-eaten turkey legs and melted cotton candy.

One of the five died within the first twelve hours of them being discovered. Another had a stroke and passed a day later. The third strangled himself with his own IV tube. The fourth escaped the custody of the hospital and was found hours later after being struck by a transport truck downtown.

You might be wondering, what about the fifth? How did the fifth clown die?

He hasn't yet. The fifth clown sits just behind this door waiting for me to come in with my questions.

His state? I'm unsure of, but I doubt it can be much better than any of the others.

Any man that abused must be tortured inside.
I don't know how long they were a part of the circus or how they even got to be a part of it.

All I know is the man behind this door is going to be far from human and I'm not sure if I'm at all prepared for him.

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