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I was sitting in English class. We had extra time at the end, so like my fellow classmates, I proceeded to study my dictionary.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee was coming up, and I had to study, make sure I knew the material well, but didn't over- complicate.

I covered the word up with my hand and read the phonetic spelling.
"Acouchi, A-C-O-U-C-H-I. Acouchi."
I popped my eyes open to look back at my dictionary, but instead saw a funny sight in front of me.

There sat Leaf Coneybear, with his finger puppet, down on his knee, crying out unintelligible noises in a weird nasally voice.
I watched him for a few seconds, before cracking up laughing.

All his sporadic yelling stopped and he glanced up at me smiling. His smile was so infectious, it made me smile as well.
He stood up and stood in front of me.
"Hello." He said his his goofy, bellowing voice, bowing his finger puppet at me.
I watched as the wings flapped up and down.

"Hey Leaf." I grinned.
His smile dropped and he gaped at me.
"You know my name?" His voice squeaked.
"Yah of course. You're Leaf Coneybear, the kid who makes his own clothes."
His smile flashed back, bigger than before.
He reached his hand out and took mine, shaking the life out of it.
"Nice to meet you. What can I call you?"
"Y/N. L/N."

His face got slightly pink and he fiddled with his cape.
"Whatcha doin?" He leaned over my shoulder.
"Studying for the Bee. Why aren't you?"
He looked around, and it was like at that very moment he realized what everyone was doing.
"I-uh... I don't really, know how... to do that."
He put his finger to his chin and furrowed his eyebrows.

I giggled.
"You don't know how to study?"
He shrugged.
"I'm not that smart." He said.
I frowned.
"Don't say that. Everyone's just good at different things. I bet you're really good at sewing!"
I reached down and held the corner of his cape.
He nodded and smiled, pulling up a chair to my desk and sitting down.

"Besides, I'll help you! I'm very good at studying." I said, showing him my dictionary.
He just stared at it, and touched the gold lettering on the front cover.
"I'd love that!" He said, throwing his hands into the air.

I scooted closer to him and opened to my marked page.
"Acouchi." I said, pointing to the word.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Why do all these words start with 'a'?"
I giggled.
"Dictionaries go in alphabetical order. So they start with 'a' and end with 'z'."
He stared at me for a second before,
"OHHHhhhhhh! I get it."
I smiled, and continued to show him his way around my dictionary.
I think he really enjoyed it.

Leaf's POV
I sat and listened to Y/N talk. She explained her dictionary really well. She was patient with me, not everyone was.

"Acouchi." She said, covering the word with her hand. I thought for a second.
"A-C-O-O-C-H-Y. Acouchi."
She sighed and made a ding sound, like the bell.
I made a raspberry noise and laid my head down on my arms.

She put a hand on my shoulder, and giggled.
It gave me butterflies, I don't know why.
I looked up and she smiled at me.
"It's okay you'll get it." She said.
I made another raspberry noise, and she stared at me for a second, and made one too.

We kept raspberry-ing back and forth, laughing and spiting, before the bell rang.
Most kids had the same scared look on their face before realizing it was just the school bell, not the Bee bell.

Y/N waved to me and I slipped away down the hall, playing with my finger puppet and yelling in his silly voice.


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