Good Luck Charm

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"The Bee is tomorrow!!" A girl next to me screamed into her phone. She had two long braids on the top of her head and like...
A million buttons on her jacket.

"I have to be ready by tomorrow! We have to practice tonight Dad. Please talk to Dad about it."
She hung up and walked past me, bumping my arm.
"My apologies." She said, swiftly turning and marching down the hall.

I raised an eyebrow.
Is that what I looked like? I wondered.
If I hadn't met Leaf, and if he didn't teach me how to relax a little more, would I be that crazy?
Yah probably.

Speak of the devil. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.
It was Leaf, holding a shoebox.
"What's that?" I asked him.
"Oh nothing." He giggled, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
I laughed and tried to snatch it but he pulled it away. He held it over this head where I couldn't reach it, so I practically climbed on top of him to reach, but couldn't.

I huffed, and realized how close our faces were.
We stared at each other wide-eyed, before I hopped to the floor, chuckling awkwardly.
His face was pink and he was still holding the box up.
"You gonna tell me what that is?" I asked him.

"What does it look like?" He asked.
He shook his head 'no'.
"Well then how am I supposed to know?"
He squealed and handed the box to me.
"Oh I can't wait, just open it!!"
I carefully opened the box, to find...
No, not fabric.
A cape?

"Think of it as a good luck charm/ Bee present! Your own cape!!" He shouted.
I dropped the box and pulled out the accessory. It was made of scraps of cloth sewn together, some were just red or solid colors, some had strange patterns, some you could clearly see the stitches. It made my hands warm just holding it.
Leaf watched my face, biting his lip.

I threw it over my shoulders, tying it in front of my neck. He bit his lip harder.
"Do you like it? I made it myself."
I smiled and threw my arms around him, laughing.
"I love it." I mumbled.
It felt so special, having my own cape?
If you told me that I'd be having my own cape a couple weeks ago, I would laughed.
Who cares right?
But it was incredible.

Leaf's POV
I watched her put it on.
She wasn't smiling, but she looked happy I think?
That's good right?
"Do you like it? I made it myself."
She smiled.
Yay! She does-
She jumped up and hugged me, her arms wrapping around my neck.
I felt my face get warm and my body tensed up.
"I love it." She mumbled.
I smiled too, I'm pretty sure my face was beet red.

I stuck my arms out, not really sure what to do, and hugged her back.
"G-good. Glad you-l-like it."
I heard the bell.
She jumped down and smiled. It was a pretty smile.
"Bye Leaf."
She waved and ran down the hallway.

I felt my knees go weak and I couldn't help grin as I let my feet drag me back to class, stumbling every few steps.
I held my hands where I hugged her before.
My stomach got butterflies.
What's wrong with me?
I asked myself.
I think I was sick or something.
I'll ask Chip later I guess.


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