🕸🕷Courting [P.P]🕷🕸

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WARNINGS: Fluuuuuufff uwu, Peter being cute af, you being hard to get



It was another day at Midtown where people dont really care about anything else but themselves

Ofcourse except for Peter.

Oh how cute he is on trying to court you. But you keep on letting him wait

Dont get her wrong, she likes him as much as he likes her, she just wants to make sure she's not diving into some deep ocean without testing the water.

On her way to her locker, she smirked at the sight of Peter waiting there with a rose in his hand

"Heeeey, Y/N! Uhm, this is for you" he handed her the rose

You were trying your best not to smile, but ofcourse, your heart failed you

"cliche. Thanks tho" you laughed as you sniffed the rose

He slightly blushed at the comment, but hid it, ofcourse

"so, ofcourse you've heard about homecoming, right?" Peter started and rubbed the back of his neck

Y/N bit her lower lip, trying so hard not to smile at the nervous boy right infront of her

"yeah, everyone has" she said

"well, i was thinking, maybe, you know- uhm, maybe you'd like to-- er, come with me?" Peter said and looked down, closing his eyes, scared of your answer

You blushed and smiled widely


Peter looked up with wide eyes and said, "what?" while smiling

"did i stutter?" you said grinning and opened your locker. You put the rose in a corner where it'll be safe and got your books for your class

You closed your locker and looked at the shocked Peter in front of you

"well, see you later, loverboy" you said and tiptoed to kiss his cheek

You turned around, leaving a red as a tomato Peter and walked away grinning


Author's note:

Enloo hoomans! How are you? Great? Good to know!

Soooo i know these are short, but i just dont have any ideas, so maybe, if there are people that actually reads this, please do leave a request! I am bored lmao

Anyways, hope you liked that, and yeah, i'll get going and grab some Shawarma ;)

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