Chapter Two: The Stovepipe Hat

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As the plane began to land I talked to Saddy about what we would say. "So we're not going to talk about the Justin person?" Asked Saddy 

"Yes I don't want us to risk military lives in search for him," I said. 

"Wow you really are a changed man," said Saddy. 

"Ah shut up," I said laughing.

"One more thing." I said "Don't mention the whole paper suit thing." Saddy nodded in agreement. The plane finally stopped and the door opened. 

"Here we go," said Saddy. We exited the plane to be greeted by a ton of flashing cameras. "There must be more then a thousand people here," Said Saddy shocked. 

"We survived a terrorist kidnapping what did you expect," I said

As we tried to get through the crowd of reporters I couldn't help but answer a few questions. One question that really stick with me though was "How has this situation changed you as a person." In the car ride I realized what a horrible person I had become over the last few years. This superhero gig was the only thing that could change that around. I would capture Justin Nail and no one will get hurt. The car driver drove us to Moo News Studios, a huge news network that Saddy and I signed on to during the plane ride. Once we entered the building we were greeted by John and Sashta Moo, the couple who run Moo News Studios. They had Saddy and I sit in two chairs and they sat across from us. Next thing I knew we were live.

"Hello America, today we have two very special guests, Christian Huver and Saddy Jogan. Recently they were kidnapped by a group of terrorists and somehow managed to escape. It's good to have you two," said Shasta. 

"Thanks for having us," I said. 

"So let's start off with the question everyone's wondering. How exactly did you escape?" Asked John.

I pondered this question for a bit to think of a lie. "Well our kidnappers only checked me for weapons and didn't think about checking Saddy over there. Well being my bodyguard Saddy had a pistol on him and he somewhere managed to kill all the kidnappers," I said. 

"Yep there wasn't as many of them as I was expecting," said Saddy playing along.

"Truly impressive," said Shasta. They asked a few more questions. 

"Well we only have time for one more question." Said John. "What does this mean for Huver Industries?" I had been wishing they didn't ask me this question, but I knew I had to tell them what I had planned. 

"I'm shutting down all Huver Industries weapon facilities," I said. 

"Wait what," said Saddy. "

Exactly what I was thinking," said Shasta.

"I finally saw how powerful my weapons are becoming. These weapons were meant to protect lives, but they hurt more people then they protect," I said.

 "What about all the employees that work there?" Asked John. 

"Well my employees are all robots, so I guess I'll just return them," I answered. 

"Well thank you two for coming." Said Shasta. "When we we return we will have NBA all star Rammy Bam talking about his stellar performance last night."

The camera turned off and Shasta and John led us out. Saddy entered the car but I staid behind. "You coming?" Asked Saddy. 

"No I'll walk," I said. Saddy closed the door a bit confused. He drove off and I began to walk home and clear my mind although it was hard when everyone wants to take a picture with Christina Huver. I didn't mind though because I knew I made those kids day. I didn't like it for the fame, but instead I finally realized how happy I made people. By the time I got home it was dark outside. There was something unusual about the house though there was police tape surrounding the house that I knew wasn't there before. 

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