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He felt naked as he walked into school.

He didn't put on makeup, he didn't wash his hair. He didn't even have his usual flower crowns on his head. Usually they gave him happiness and made him feel complete. But today, actually for nearly two weeks now, he's not felt anything but sadness. His mood showed greatly in his outfit for the day. Normally, he wore cute jeans or colorful skinny jeans, a cute shirt, and flower crowns to top his head for the outfit of the day.

Today, he was wearing black sweatpants, that were too big for him, and a much too large grey hoodie. The shoes on his feet weren't the normal collection of white or colorful Vans, instead they were an easy slip on sandal with a pair of ankle socks on his feet.

"Hwa?" Seonghwa heard Wooyoung say behind him and he stops, turning to the younger. Wooyoung's mouth drops, "What happened?"

Seonghwa was supporting a black eye from his mother. He had tried to help the new nurse get his mother into her bed, and she wasn't in the best of moods. On top of screaming and calling Seonghwa's name, she managed to catch him off guard and punched him right on the brow bone above his left eye.

"Mom," he sighs, "I didn't wear makeup to cover it and I really should have."

"Yeah you should have you're getting all kinds of stares," Wooyoung whispers, reaching in his bag and pulling out some concealer and a brush, painting over it and blending it well. Seonghwa winces when he touched a tender part of the bruise, Wooyoung sobbing, "Alright, that's as best as I can get it. Let me do the other eye so it looks natural and not uneven."

"Thank you Youngie," Seonghwa sighs, looking up to see a familiar leather jacket pass by them. Mingi looked over his shoulder at them. Seonghwa's heart drops when he the taller bites his lip and turns away, disappearing in the swarm of students.

Wooyoung follows his gaze and frowns, "What happened between you guys?"

Seonghwa sighs sadly, "I thought we had something..." his eyes water and he shakes his head slightly before adjusting his back on his shoulder, "It doesn't matter now. I need to focus on finals and graduate so I can pay bills-"

"Park Seonghwa, here recently you've been so happy and glowing even. I have never seen you so happy and I think the cause of that was Mingi. Now, you're worse than before you met Mingi. Hwa," he takes Seonghwa's hands in his, "I want you happy. Yunho and Hongjoong and Yeosang all want you happy. You're much happier with Mingi in your life. What happened between you guys?"

Seonghwa shakes his head, pulling away to go to his class and leaving Wooyoung alone. Wooyoung narrows his eyes at his friend as he walks away, crossing his arms when he feels another pair wrap around his, "Why do you look angry?"

"Mingi did something to Seonghwa and I'm going to beat his ass," Wooyoung pouts, San hums and kisses his neck.

"Let me talk to him. Maybe I can get Mingi to straighten up," San whispers in his ear, Wooyoung shivers, "Don't pout or frown baby, it's cute but you're cuter when you are happy."

Wooyoung purses his lips, one side slowly turns up in a smile as he turns and faces San, "I may have an idea."

"Tell me," San smiles, his dimples popping out.


Mingi walks through the halls with his headphones in his ears, blaring Korn at the highest volume. He wasn't even paying attention as he made his way through the halls to his next class, when suddenly San calls his phone.

He grumbles, answering it and speaking through his AirPods, "What do you want this time."

"Mingi!! It's Jongho man, he got jumped outside of his class!" San spoke loudly down the line, making Mingi turn his volume down.

When he realized what was said though, his heart races, "What!? Is he okay?!"

"No! I need you to get here and help me carry him! God he's heavy!"

Mingi runs his hands through his hair, checking the time and growling, he was going to be late for class, "Where are you?"

"Kim building, second floor room- fuck Wooyoung what room are we in?" He asks off the line and Mingi frowns.

"Why the fuck are you calling me if Wooyoung is there?!" Mingi growls.

"Mingi you listen to me!" Wooyoung takes the phone from San and was seething down the line, "Its just me and San but I'm not a very muscular man! San may be, but I however am not! Jongho is really heavy and just San alone carrying him isn't going to get him quickly to my car and to the hospital! So move your ass and get here!"

The phone disconnects and Mingi curses, rushing out of the building to look for his friends. He hoped to god Jongho was unconscious, because if he wasn't and these guys were pulling his leg he was going to beat some ass.


Wooyoung hands the phone to San with a smirk, "Done and done."

"Is he on his way?" San asks, they sat in the room and waited on Mingi, knowing he will be there any moment.

"Yep, and so is Seonghwa. He thinks he's coming here to help Yeosang with a project," Wooyoung smiles again, sighing happily, "I love bringing people together. Whether it's to find love, to fuck, or to kill one another, I love it."

San laughs, cupping Wooyoung's cheeks with his hands and placing a soft kiss on his lips, "You're so incredibly sexy and adorable I don't know what to do with you."

Wooyoung shrugs, "Love me, feed me, and never leave me and you can see this cute face every day," he smiles innocently, "Maybe even get rewarded with food later."

San chuckles, kissing Wooyoung once more before pulling away, "Come on, we need to hide outside and wait for these two to arrive. Maybe we can catch them both coming in at the same time. But we need to move fast."

Wooyoung giggles, taking San's hand in his and allows the older to lead him out of the room. Both hide in the hallway and wait for their two friends to make an appearance. Well, they hope they do at least.


I threw in some Woosan in there for you all to make up for my disappearance with this story!! What do you think will happen in the next update?

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