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It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.
                 — George Washington


C H A P T E R 29:

"Woman, you better provide your son or else..." the police man threatened, "We've been to his house but he is not there. You have to tell us where he is right now or you would follow us to the police station."

Mama Edric panicked as she kept on dialing Edric's phone number but it was switched off.

"I can't get to him. Please officer.. " She pleaded as beads of sweat covered her face. She wiped it off with the end of her lose wrapper. "He must've travelled to calabar for the couple's get together thing he is having with his siblings. They informed me about it but I can't remember exactly where they are having it and i have been trying to get to any of my sons but their lines are not reachable. Please officer have mercy. I didn't do anything."

"Mtcheww.." Tina drawled, eyeing her from her head to her toe. "Wicked woman. Weren't you aware of your sons devilish behavior before? And what did you do about it? You kept quiet but now you are pleading. What a shame. Officers please take this woman away. She has to be arrested until she provides her son."

"Madam, move!" the skinny, dark skinned officer on his black uniform and black cap yelled at Mama Edric while the huge, light skinned officer, who was also putting on the same uniform as his colleague, pushed her lightly when she remained adamant and continued pleading.

"Officers take her away!" Tina yelled with impatience.

"Officers don't." May spoke.

All eyes turned to her except Iby who had his back on the hospital wall as his fingers typed away on his phone. He had been quiet since and hadn't said a word to the drama going on around him neither as he had an eye contact with May. He had only stolen a few glances at her when she wasn't looking.

Everyone was surprised but Mama Edric was the most shocked out of all of them. She had come with Maryam to visit May at the hospital only to come meet the cops asking her to follow them to the station. Mama Edric knew she hasn't been playing her role right as a mother in-law. There were times May called her to lay several complains about Edric and she hadn't read too much meaning to it. Rather, she had asked May to endure yet, May loved her enough to ask the cops not to take her away.

She was really blessed with a kind daughter in-law who didn't deserve all the treatment her son had given to her.

"What are you saying, May?" Tina asked, stunned. "This wicked womans son who is suppose to be your husband, abused you to the extent you couldn't take it no more and decided it was best to take your life. She was aware of it all yet she didn't deem it fit to find a way out for you or help you and you say she shouldn't be queried?"

"Calm down, Tina. Your blood pressure is too hot." May puffed. "Yes, she didn't do anything to help me but.. Did I do anything to help myself?"

Efua and Esther who had been filled with all the details by Tina and Iby shared a brief surprised look.

"No, I didn't. Not that I am proud of it but it isn't has easy as it seems. If I was you, I wouldn't point accusing fingers at mama. Point the fingers at me. Mama did the part she thought was best. She took Maryam away so Maryam wouldn't get to see me suffer in the hands of her father and that, I think, was enough."

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