Another akumatized victim from the future?!

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3rd person pov

The students were ready to leave school when an akumatized victim appeared in the entrance of the school. "Hello everyone I am rejector! I come from the future and I come to look for Emma Dominique Agreste!" Everyone began murmuring about Emma's last name. " or shall I say the girl who rejected me?" Rejector said.

Emma ran and hid in the restroom and began crying. Not knowing Marinette entered. Emma then scolded herself. " YOU SHOULDNT HAVE TRAVELED IN TIME YOU STUPID GIRL! NOW LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE YOUR LIFE IS LITERALLY AT RISK THANKS TO YOU!"

Marinette was surprised so she decided to confront Emma. "So umm Emma.. you're from the future right?" "Look I just came to the past to take a break. I'm really sorry I caused all this trouble.." Emma replied crying. "Look it's alright Emma I understand you needed a break but I hope you realize traveling in time is very dang-" Marinette was then interrupted by Emma.

"Shouldn't you be out there saving your classmates? Common transform in to ladybug already." Emma said as she wiped her tears. Marinette was surprised. How could this girl fined out about her identity? "I think you're mis-" Marinette said. "Nope I know who you are with or without the mask the same goes with Chat Noir."

"But how? did you find out?" Marinette said. "I have my ways." Emma winked. Without hesitation Marinette transformed. "Tikki, spots on!" "Wait before I go.. are you somehow relate go Adrien cause you're an Agreste and-" "stop asking questions mo-Marinette! Just go already!" Emma said laughing.

[in the battle field]

Ladybug ran to the akumatized victim and began fighting him. Chatnoir came "hello m'lady did you meows me?" Chat noir jokingly said. " now's not the time for your puns it's time to fight to Rejector." Ladybug said. "Chatnoir I see you're getting rejected by ladybug come join me." Rejector said. "I'm too pawsome to join you and besides I'm sure one day m'lady will stop rejecting me" Chatnoir said laughing.

[sometime in the future]
With future ladynoir

"Chat he travelled through time. What do we do??" Ladybug said in panic. "What about Emma?! WE NEED TO FIND HER!" Chat said with tears in his eyes. "I think I know where to find her." Ladybug said with hope in her eyes. "But we need Alix to help us time travel"

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